What do you guys think of me

23 0 4

Hey yall just something i always wanted to ask of you all......um what exactly do you guys think of me?

Idk its just lately I've been called things like boring or even to the extreme of someone on here that I've known for a long time calling me a LIAR from something traumatic that happened between us a few months to almost a year back. Idk im at the point where i feel like no one likes me anymore and idk what i did wrong.

Its like i cant do anything right and whenever i try ti stick up for myself or really be myself it seems like people think either im being smart mouthed or im being rude which results in misunderstanding and frustrating arguments. Idk i tried changing myself or even bettering myself but it seems like nothing works.....or that i cant please anyone.

On here I've been called a Liar, Selfish.....an Attention Seeker, Asshole, A Bitch, and much more. I just dont know maybe there's something wrong with me?

I just dont know if people actually like me and I've been ignored a lot lately so.......idk........

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