IPhone Murderer

94 9 17

I did the worst thing ever in my life

I can never forgive myself for this

This is something that you should never do EVER.

The most deceitful thing anyone could do to themselves







And it's how I cracked it that's sooo embarrassing.

Ok so I was walking to school towards the building after my mom drove/dropped me off and I was putting my phone on the "inside pocket" of my new burgundy Calvin Klein jacket/coat (the shit is lit btw)...............and it cost like $450, but this dude only let me pay 50 for it cuz he claimed I was cute....... like bruh I'm ugly as fuck but ok....... Anyways turns out that "inside pocket" wasn't even a pocket AT ALL,so when i put my phone in it, it went STRAIGHT THROUGH it and hit the concrete ground and cracked the upper left corner and the cracks trickles a through my phone But what really pissed me off was the fact that there's this i guess you can say FASHION MALFUNCTION?! In the jacket that shouldn't be there?! Like WHY THE FUCK no HOW THE FUCK YOU GONNA MAKE A JACKET/ COAT AND PUT POCKETS IN THE INSIDE OF IT BUT NOT ACTUALLY MAKE THEM POCKETS BECAUSE THERES AN OPENING ON THE BOTTOM. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PURPOSE IN DOING THAT..... so yea I'm severely pissed at myself rn. But this is actually the FIRST TIME I cracked my phone and I had it for 2 years. First time for everything I guess *awkwardly laughing* so I'm getting it fixed this Friday so it's all good. I'm still hella salty with Calvin Klein like did he seriously just woke up one day and go......

Hey I have the most amazing idea for my next fashion vogue central, let's put fake out pockets inside the coats so that people can easily drop shit and break it!!!!!! It's full proof PURE GENIUS!!!!!!! Eureka!!!!!!!

Like bruh no...........(I'm pretty sure he did say that but still it's a dumb idea) whatever I'm out Peace ✌🏾

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