Conversation In Class Part 2

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Hamadi: damn we have this class again?!

Me: well its comparative religion so yea we got the same old fart

Morgan: we need jesus

Jesús: Hello?! I'm right here

Me: Ur not funny

J: fuck you

H: well we finally have a class together Kenzie

Me: Ik I'm so happy!!!!

M: I have critical depression-

Me: Hey that's my line PLAGIARISM!!!!!

M:..................... how much sugar did u eat?

H: woah Kenzie inside voices

Me: no imma always stay loud and do U know why

J: because your black?

Me: because I- wait what the fuck dude

J: you always say because your black when we assume, accuse, or asks you something that u hate

Me:.......... I was gonna say because I'm loud and proud genius

J: oh my bad fam.......

Me: and because I'm black.....


Me: Hey what ever happened to inside voices huh?

J: I................hate....................YOU!!!!!!!

Me: Hmm whatever so guess ready for another two advisory with this fucktard?

M: don't remind me please

J: I don't really care my moms got me covered

Me: mommas boy

J: daddy's girl

Me: At least I admit it tho.

M: *pull outs a mini fidget spinner* fight me GET ON MY LEVEL

Me:............................why tho

M:idk best 75 cents I'd ever spent

H: Hey if u have a Xbox 360 ur doomed to fail

Me: ... i still have one

M: me too

H: well congratulations ur doomed to fail!!!!!!

Me: why because of the processor?

H: good theory but no, they designed it to basically fail.... have lately been experiencing ur console to be "overheating" a lot?

Me: Yea it actually has been lately.....

M: same goes for me.... but that's because I have a shit load of stuff piled on top of it

Me: Morgan what the actual fuck dude? The console isn't gonna work properly its need air circulation to go through the vents so the processor and circuits won't overheat!!!!!!


H: well yea I'll send you the link later

Me: Good looking out fam!!!!

J: I'm kinda disappointed that your still using a Xbox 360 Kenz

Me: Oh yea well I'm disappointed that u still have a PS3 JESÚS!!!!!!!

J: there's nothing wrong with it!!!!!

Me:.....dude. It's like literally easy to hack into one of those!!!! The games are shit!!!! Graphics eh, and it literally breaks like all the time!!!!!!

H: Yea basically Sony states that the play station 3 was originally a prototype so yea it's basically trash

Me: Yea just like the iPhone X? It's was originally a prototype too!!!! Apple said so, that's why I got the 8plus..... cuz it doesn't glitch all the time, hell it never does.......

H: just wait 3years and it will

Me: oh ik usually iphones are only supposed to last you 2-3 years before they start to do crazy shit and move hella slow.......

J: whatever........

M: Oh and for your information I'm planning to get the Xbox One X and the Play Station 4 But more on the Xbox side than PlayStation....

H: Good call

J: The fuck you mean "good call"? What the fuck?!

Me: dude PlayStations like I said before are easy to hack into!!!!! I'm not trying to get hacked no time soon!!!!!!!

H: She's right ya know........

M: Ok I literally don't understand what the fuss about aren't Xbox and PlayStation the same thing?


H..................................... done fucked up

Me: Morgan Zedricka Lewis-Richardson HOW FUCKING DARE YOU


J: I can't take up for you on this one dude

M: what did I say?!

Me: RULE NUMBER ONE OF GAMERS Never say that Xbox and PlayStation are the fucking same

H: it's an absolute insult to us it's like saying GTA and COD ARE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

M: but they are right

J: ok now I'm starting to get triggered!!!!

Me: Bitch I'm trying SO HARD NOT TO SLAP YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!

H: I have nothing else to say to you!!!!!

Me: dude do see how we feel?!

M: not really?!

J: let me put it in a way you'll understand...... what you just said it's like say that Gays and Lesbians are the same-

M: NO THEYRE NOT HOW CAN YOU SAY- oh wait now I get it...........

Me: uh huh NOW you UNDERSTAND?!

M: yep my bad...........

D: should we be actually doing work now

Me: Shut up Dania


Just another daily conversations me and my friends have in Sociology Class............ oh wait sorry we changed subjects so now is Comparative Religion.................... idk peace ✌🏿

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