A Little Fun

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As the morning came, Deku being waking up. While rubbing his eyes, he suddenly felt something squeeze him. Moving his hand from his eyes, he looks down and sees Toga who is holding arm to him and she slept soundly. Seeing her sleeping made Izuku smile. Yet as Izuku looked at Toga, he knew he needed to get up and get ready for s patrol. So grabbing hold of Toga's right arm that was holding on to him, Izuku slowly lifted it up and scooched away as you can got off the couch and placed her arm down on the couch. After doing so, Deku grabbed his boxes along with his pants which he then began putting on. But while doing so, Toga woke up and saw Izuku putting on his pants.



With hearing Toga's voice, Izuku then stop putting his pants on half ways as he then looked over his shoulder and saw Toga slightly lifting herself up on the couch.



Saying her name, Deku lifted his pants up to his waist as in turned around and went over to Toga and kneeled down in front of the couch to look at her who too looked at him with tired eyes.


"Did I wake you?"


"No. But are you going somewhere?"


"Yeah I am. I'm going to go on my patrol now. so you can go back to sleep now."


"Can I go with you?"


"I don't know? It is really early and I don't want you to be tired while on patrol. So I think it is best for you to stay here."

With Deku saying this, Toga began to pout while looking at Deku.


"Pretty please. I'm tired of being here by myself and waiting for you to come back. Please let me go with you."


"But don't you still want to sleep?"


"No. All I want is to be with you."

Hearing Toga say this tugged a few of Deku's heartstrings, which made him cave in.


"(Sigh) All right then, you can come. We'll be leaving in ten minutes."


"Can you add an extra five minutes? I kind of want to take a shower before we go."


"Okay. Fifteen minutes then we go."


"Hehe, okay."

So the two begin getting ready to head out. 15 minutes later Deku and Toga met up on the roof. With Toga bringing a small backpack filled with water and some snacks.


"Ready to go?"



Toga says that with a big smile on her face as she looked at Deku.


"Okay, let's get going."



So with that said, the two begin began running and jumping on the neighboring rooftops. They continued doing this while the sun was rising and the sky was turning into a bright blue. Hours later they came to a stop on a rooftop which day then looked down and saw people walking walking on the sidewalks and cars driving in the road. While looking down they did not spot a single hero who's on patrol, but they kept their eyes open just in case. As they continued looking down at the people below, Toga went ahead and sparked up a conversation.

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