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As some sunlight shined through the window of Toga's room, she begin to wake up. Once Toga opened her eyes she then sat up on the bed I literally big yawn as she also stretched out her arm. After that she looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing clothes which she does not remember putting on at all last night. Thinking back, Toga begins to remember what she did last night with Deku, until she remembers that she suddenly fell unconscious during one point of their intimacy. So she figures that Deku must have cleaned her up after finding out she was unconscious. Speaking of Deku, Toga looked down on the left side of the bed and saw that it was empty. Seeing that, Toga places her left hand on his side of the bed and bitterly smiled at it.


"I guess Izuku went on patrol already."

After saying this, Toga was a bit sad not being able to wake up beside Deku and greet him a good morning. But she was still happy to know that Deku enjoyed his birthday with her.


"Well time to get up."

With this said, Toga got up from bed and made her way to the door. Where she then grabbed hold of the doorknob and proceeded to open the door. Yet after doing so she was suddenly greeted by sweet familiar scent in the air which she is not smelled in quite some time. So made her way to the stairs and began heading down until eventually reaching the floor below, where she then begins to make her way over to the kitchen. Once Toga stepped foot into the kitchen she saw Deku standing by stove flipping some pancakes.



As Toga said Deku's name, he then looked over at the doorway and saw Toga standing there looking right over at him, who he then smiled at.


Good morning Himiko."


"Go-good morning. Are you making pancakes?"


"Yeah I am. Figured that you might be hungry and she got up."

After saying this, Deku looks back at the pancakes and put them on a big plate with some other prepared pancakes. From doing this he then turned off the stove and placed the spatula down, as then picked up the plate and turned to face Toga who he then smiled at again.


"Hope you're hungry, the pancakes aren't the only thing I've made."

Hearing Deku say this, Toga then looks over at the table and sees plates of different foods. Looking back at Deku, Toga then smiled at him. Afterwards the tooth and sat down and begin having breakfast together. Yet while having breakfast, Toga needed to know one thing, as she turned to look over at Deku.


"So, why didn't you go on patrol today?"

Hearing Toga ask this question, Deku happily answered her.


"Well because I want to be here with you this morning."




"Yeah. And that's not the only reason. I wanted to thank you for all you did for me yesterday. So I was thinking we could g-go out, together."

As Deku said this, his cheeks blushed a bright red. And from Toga hearing this, she too blushed as well.


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