Chapter F4

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Today is Monday, the 21st of December, two days before the Christmas concert, also the day I have practice with the band, that will play in the concert.

The practice is in the school's music room. Practice starts at eight in the morning and ends before lunchtime. This means I will have to skip 4 classes.
I brought my drumsticks and made my way to the music room.

The school music room is a lively and energetic space that is filled with the sounds of music. The room is filled with various musical instruments, including drums, guitars, pianos, and more.

There are also microphones, speakers, and recording equipment in the room.
The walls are decorated with art and photos of famous musicians and various music-related art, and the room definitely has a very artistic feel to it.
There are also soundproof walls, so we don't bother other classes.

I was the first one. It might be because I'm too early, since it is only half past seven.
I sat on the drum stool and began to drum. Or, moreover, I was testing if the drums were tuned. And by my surprise, they actually were. Surprising.

3rd person perspective:

Aki's mind was wandering, drifting towards the thought of returning to his dorm and coming back at eight, when suddenly a figure entered the room, seemingly out of nowhere. Aki's heart raced for just a moment, caught off guard by the sudden appearance.

"Drummer?" A soft female voice was heard.
"Yeah." He replied.

After she came closer, Aki saw her face even better. It's Ms. Marryans daughter, who goes to the same class as the Three Crows band, does - 8.C

She was tall and thin. Her hair was medium with long bangs that were pinned up with a bobby pin and dyed purple. Her body was covered with a black, long-sleeved crop top and those popular baggy cargo pants. The septum and snake bite piercings were the most visible on her face.
She was also carrying a guitar case. Which means..

"I'm bassist." She murmured while she unpacked her bass guitar. Then she looked at him and gave Aki a handshake.
"Natasha Marryans, call me Nat."
"Aki Hartez, call me however you want."

Nat plugged her bass into the Marshall speaker.
"How about we practice just two of us while we wait?"

"Why not."

Aki sat behind the drum kit. And jumped straight into a beat. Nat matched with him, and the bass under her fingers began to make up tunes. Aki was holding the drumsticks tightly, focusing only on the drums in front of him and the tunes that were coming from Nat's bass guitar.

He never played with other people. This was the first time he did.
And it did feel magical. Playing with her made him want to be in the Three Crows band even more. He got motivation to practice. If he improves and impresses them, they will surely let him join the band, right?

Natasha stopped, and so did Aki.

"You're really good." She praised.
"Thank you, so are you."

The other band members arrived.
Nick, the guy who wears shorts in winter and loves to impress girls, is the guitarist.

Mina, the violinist might look cute and innocent, but she will kick your ass if you touch her since she does Muay Thai.

Tony is the pianist. He's Asian and, as a child, his parents forced him to learn piano.

Nova is a kind black girl who plays clarinet.

And lastly, Mr. Machal, the leader of the band.

"Alrighty, is everyone in here? One, two three- ah yes, we are all." Mr. Machal checked. 

The sudden change of Aki HartezWhere stories live. Discover now