Chapter S6

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He has no other choice.

It's winter break, everyone is happy to finally spend time with their families after a long time.
Aki isn't everyone.

Hartez was looking forward to spending some time off campus. The cold winter air had settled in, blanketing the city in a soft blanket of frost. The snow had started to fall, and the sky was a rich, midnight blue. It was a beautiful, peaceful scene, and Aki found himself feeling calm and content as he made his way through the school.

But as he walked through the empty hallways, Aki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The holidays were coming up, and that meant he would be spending time with his family. He knew it was something he had to do, something he couldn't avoid, but it still caused a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach.

He had grown up in a loving family, but over time, that love had faded. His parents used to be supportive, but after his mother became addicted, they started to fight more often.
After he grew up, it was as if they didn't truly know him, as if they didn't understand what he wanted or who he was.

He had tried talking to them, telling them how he felt, but it always ended in arguments and misunderstandings. He couldn't help but feel like he was a disappointment to them, a failure in their eyes.

As he packed his bags and prepared to leave for home, Aki felt a sense of nervousness and anticipation. He wanted to spend time with his family to try and mend the fences between them. But he also knew that it wouldn't be easy.

He knew that the holidays could be a difficult time, a time when family dynamics were thrown into sharp relief. He knew that this might be a moment when old wounds were once again opened, and the pain would be too much to bear.

And yet, he had to try. He had to face his fears and his family to try and salvage what was left of their relationship. It was a daunting task, one that made him nervous and uneasy, but he knew it was something he had to do.

So, with a heavy heart and a sense of determination, Aki made his way home. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to try.

Aki's heart raced with anticipation as he packed his bags for the trip to Washington by train.
He used to love the adventure and thrill of train rides.

The train platform was bustling with activity as Aki made his way to the train station. There was a lively energy in the air, with people rushing to catch their trains and tourists eager to explore the city.

As he boarded the train, Aki's nervousness grew with every passing moment. The train was sleek and modern, with spacious seats and large windows that offered a glimpse into the heart of the city.
As he settled into his seat, he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, ready for what was to come.

Aki's heart sank even more as he looked up to see the boy he had been trying to avoid sitting in the seat next to him. Raven Peňaz.
Aki knew that he should just move seats, but he knew that Raven would start having a conversation with Aki again.
So Aki turned back to his book and tried to ignore him.

Raven was reading his own book, but Aki could see out of the corner of his eye that he was occasionally peeking at him, as if daring him to say something.
Aki tried his best to ignore him, but it was impossible.
The constant feeling of Raven's gaze was like a weight on his shoulders, making it difficult to concentrate on his reading.

As the train lumbered forward, the minutes felt like hours. Aki felt a sense of anxiety washing over him, as he wondered what Raven would do next. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Raven would say something to annoy him, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for it.

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