Chapter F5

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It's happening.

   At the present moment, Aki and the band are backstage, doing sound checks.
Despite the fact that Aki feels nervous and has this urge to quit, he makes up his mind. He will do it for the band Three Crows. Aki mind brightened up when he realized that the scenarios he wanted to happen would come true.

"Aki! We're starting!!" Nova called out.
He sat behind the drum kit and took a deep breath.

The air was thick with anticipation as the curtains began to draw back. Aki felt the energy in the area rising as the sound of a piano started to play.
The rest of the band joined in, one by one, and soon, they were playing our hearts out.
As soon they started to play, the skund of clapping, cheering, and whistling was heard from the audience.

The music was almost deafening as the band poured everything they had into the music.

Aki was behind the drum kit, fingers danced across the drumsticks, effortlessly striking the drums with perfect rhythm. His concentration was unwaveringly focused, his attention fixed on the beat he was creating.

The sound of the drums echoed through the stage, filling the space with a steady, pulsing rhythm. The rest of the band played their own parts, with Aki acting as the backbone, providing the foundation for the music they were creating.

With each strike of the drums, Aki felt a sense of euphoria, as if the music was a physical force, moving through his body and out into the world. The feeling was indescribable, a combination of power and grace, a perfect harmony between man and machine.

He lost himself in the music, lost track of time, and lost in the moment. The only thing that mattered was the beat, and he reveled in it, reveled in the feeling of being part of something greater than himself. He was a catalyst for something greater, a part of something bigger than he could ever imagine.

Aki could feel the sweat forming on his forehead as he played, lost in the moment, completely lost in the music.

The crowd went wild as they finished the first song, screaming and cheering for more, and he took a second deep breath before starting another song.

As they played, Aki could feel my worries slipping away, replaced with the pure joy of playing music with his bandmates. It was a feeling that he would never forget, and one that would stay with him forever for sure.

As Aki was drumming the easy part of the song, he swiftly glanced at the "8.C" seating row, hoping to find Nikkita, Matyas, and Raven.
But, there was no sign of the three boys.

As they continued to play song after song, Aki's initial excitement started to give way to a growing sense of worry and unease. He still hadn't spotted the three boys in the 8.C seating row, and as the time ticked by, his concern grew.

Aki couldn't focus on the music, and his mind kept wandering back to the fact that they weren't here. The tension in the air was palpable. Hartez tried to keep his cool and play the concert as best he could, but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that the boywereren't coming. 

After they played the last song, they all stood up and bowed. The crowd was cheering and clapping. Some people even threw roses at them. After bowing two more times, the curtains closed. They all gave high-fives to each other.

   "Good job, guys!! You guys did great out there." Mr. Machal complimented them.

The rest of the band was thrilled up. They were all smiling and laughing because the concert was successful. Except Aki. He felt sadden and upset.

All this practicing and hard work just to realize that the band didn't come at all. But why? Aki had to know, that's why he will ask Natasha, since she goes to the same class as them. He patted her shoulder, making her startled.

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