✦ꉣꋬꋪ꓄ ꄲꋊꏂ: (第一部)

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|| Arc 1: In The Shadow Of The Hyūga ||

The moon hung high over the sprawling city of Tokyo, casting an ethereal glow over its towering skyscrapers and narrow alleyways.

In the heart of the city, the shadows danced to the silent rhythm of power struggles, where Yakuza factions vied for control in a never-ending battle for dominance.

Hinata, the heiress of the formidable Hyūga clan, found herself at the center of this perilous world.

Her father, Hiashi Hyūga, had been a legendary figure, a force to be reckoned with who kept the formidable Hyūga clan safe from the clutches of rival Yakuza families.

But with his recent death, a power vacuum had been created, and vultures circled, eager to claim the spoils.

In the somber aftermath of Hiashi's funeral, Hinata meandered through the hushed corridors of the Hyūga compound, burdened by the weight of her newfound role as the leader of the Hyūga clan.

The quietness of the Hyūga compound became an echoing reminder of her father's death, an emptiness that seemed to grow with each passing day.

The silence that enveloped the entire estate was almost suffocating, amplifying the echoes of her footsteps as Hinata navigated the once-familiar halls.

It was during these times when grief threatened to consume her, Hinata sought solace in the courtyard of the Hyūga compound.

Amidst the cherry blossom trees, a place her father cherished, she found refuge amongst the chaos. In the days when her father was alive, it was here that he would often retreat to contemplate.

Now, in his absence, Hinata, too, found solace in such a place. It became a place for her to reconnect with him in any way possible—to embrace the memory of her now deceased father.

Recollections of the moments they shared in the peaceful confines of the Hyūga courtyard always flooded her mind.

While he was alive, her father would guide her there, encouraging her to kneel amidst the grass and meditate.

There, he taught her the importance of listening to her own heartbeat, understanding it, and ultimately, becoming one with it.

Additionally, her father imparted the wisdom of quieting her thoughts, cultivating a sound mind, and finding a place of both control and release.

Hinata reflected on his words, and the numerous lessons he shared during those precious father-daughter moments.

In those instances, her father would momentarily set aside his mantle as the leader of the Hyūga clan, escaping the realm of conquest and battle to impart his knowledge to her.

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