✦ꉣꋬꋪ꓄ ꓄ꅐꄲ: (第二部)

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A.N. Warning: This chapter contains graphic content including gore, descriptive violence, bloodshed, tragedy, and death. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those who may be sensitive to such themes.

(Side note) Part 2 is also much longer than Part 1.

Additionally, to fully immerse yourself in the mood of Part 2 of "Clash of Possession," I truly recommend listening to "Angels in Tibet" by Amaarae. (I'll have the song pinned above). This song personally enhanced my experience when writing this chapter/part, and really captured the yakuza vibe perfectly (in my opinion).

However, please note that this is merely a recommendation. I just couldn't resist mentioning it because I've become completely in love with the song and found myself listening to it on repeat while writing/reading and even editing this chapter.

Anywho, vote, comment, and proceed at your own discretion.


"Here I come."

At that precise moment, after Naruto uttered those words, he seemed to have tapped into a power that left Hinata utterly dumbfounded.

It was a force so extraordinary that it surpassed anything she had ever witnessed in her entire life.

It was witnessing that sight that made Hinata understand firsthand why Naruto was so feared in Japan.

In the blink of an eye, the blonde seemed to vanish into the fabric of the night air, becoming one with the wind that enveloped everywhere around her with a resounding whoosh.

His speed transcended mere swiftness, reaching god-like levels-a manifestation of unparalleled agility that defied the bounds of humanity.

It was a defining moment that illuminated the supernatural essence of his abilities-a moment that conveyed to Hinata that Naruto was no ordinary foe, no mere human.

He was something else.

Hinata could feel the dark shift in the air, like cold tendrils gripping her flesh, threatening to rob her of her courage, her strength.

This realization made it clear to Hinata that she had to be super careful when dealing with Naruto.

His power hinted at something almost inhuman, so she knew she needed to approach the fight with a lot of consideration and strategy.

With that being said...

Hinata didn't wait.

It was her turn to swiftly tap into her own distinctive power-a special technique reserved solely for the Hyūga clan.

"Byakugan," Hinata murmured with urgency, channeling the might of the all-seeing power she possessed.

In an instant, her lavender eyes radiated, casting an ethereal glow that pierced through the obscurity of the night. The veins around her eyes pulsed, protruding to the surface as she brought the ancient Hyūga technique to life.

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