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"Stop right there Mihika" Pushkar stern voice comes from the top of the stairs and he started descending the stairs and reach near Mihika.

"Pushkar You can say me whatever you want, but I want to meet my daughter first." Mihika said In desperate voice

"Don't you dare call my and Mandira's daughter your daughter" Pushkar angrily yelled at her.

"Pushkar enough now I am seeing your behaviour towards my daughter from the hospital, how badly are you treating my daughter?  I know you were shocked and worried to see Panchi in such a condition, we all were worried for her but this does not mean that you should treat my daughter like this" Anand said in angry voice.

"Uncle, your daughter has tried to kill my daughter and you want me to talk to her lovingly?  She has already killed my wife  and now my daughter's life is in danger because of her, she's now behind my daughter's life too" Pushkar spatted with venom filled voice.

Seeing Pushkar in so much anger Mihika gets scared thinking that the truth of their relationship might be revealed in front of her father and tries to handle the situation.

"Pushkar you are upset and angry right now, we will talk about all this later, right now our priority is Panchi, we should look after Panchi now". Mihika pleaded through her eyes but Pushkar is today in no mood to listen her pleading he's looking at her with hateful eyes.

"Have you gone crazy? What nonsense are you spiting?  Are you holding Mihika responsible for Mandira's death?  are you out of your freaking mind?" Anand angrily snapped at Pushkar.

"Papa please let it be, let's not talk about it right now, we'll talk about all this later, I need to see my Panchi" Mihika try to stop her father.

Anand - no Mihika we will talk about this matter right now, Panchi is my granddaughter too, I am equally worried for her as he is, but I also know that you will never commit such a big mistake. But how  dare he to hold you responsible for Mandir's death? Where did this rubbish things come to his mind?

Pushkar - I didn't imagine this things in my mind uncle, this is the truth only, she's my Mandira's murderer, if I had known before marriage that Mandira's lost her life because of this girl, I would never have made her the mother of my daughter and brought her to this house.

Pushkar yelled with utmost anger and Mihika closed her eyes and tears started rolling down from her eye's because Mandira accident scene and her lifeless body started coming in front of her eye's.

But in other side Vidya is in so much tension seeing this argument leading to somewhere else.

"Oh God, this Pushkar should not take my name today, saying that I had said that the life of Mandira was lost because of Mihika, If he tells the truth then Anand will not take even a moment to throw me out of his life, no no I cannot afford lose my Anand under any circumstances. I have to do something. I have to stop Pushkar" Vidya thought in her mind.

Anand - Pushkar you.

Before Anand blasts upon Pushkar Vidya interrupt him in the middle.

"What are you all arguing about among yourselves?  An innocent child has just been discharged from the hospital, why are you fighting with each other instead of paying attention to her? The most important thing right now is Panchi's health, you people  keep fighting later" Vidya purposely used Panchi's name so that they stop their verbal fight so that Pushkar will not reveal her name behind this Mandira's death blame fiasco.

Vidya - Mihika come let's go to the Panchi.

Mihika wipe her tears and about to move towards the staircase but again halted in her place listening Pushkar voice.

"She will definitely go, but not to meet Panchi, but to jail" Pushkar statement shocked everyone. While Mihika is rooted in her own place.

To be continued...........

!!That's all for today!!

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