you do this to yourself

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ok sorry about that longass break. I'm moving so I've been spending most my time packing up and renovating my new house. anyway, my computer got accidently packed up so I wrote this chapter on my phone so whoops. this is probably my shortest chapter yet, barely reach 1k words.
anyway, tw: vomiting and murder (mentions of knifes and guns)

Hunter slipped through the front gates of the Blight's mansion, acres surrounding their house. He hid in the lush trees with the gleaming moon shining down on him. Vee woke up that evening. She wanted everyone out of that room except Camila, so everyone left. Even Luz left. Hunter had spent some time on the roof watching the outside with Darius and Steve, but they left to go have a meeting with Alador. He wasn't allowed to attend, so he used that time as a chance to be alone outside with just his thoughts and maybe the occasional walker.
“Finally alone,” he thought, tracing the outside of the gun in his belt. He also carried a pocket knife in his pocket, which was an old gift from his father. It may have not been safe to give a toddler a knife, but he practically grew up outdoors on his own. He leaned against a tree and looked back, but he didn't know were back was. He spun around and realized he was lost. He was lost in the woods and those walkers could eat him up at any time.
A scuttering noise filled his ear and he flipped around, searching for the noise through the dark night. He snatched the knife and squeezed it tightly, waiting for the animated corpse to appear. A voice whispered out from the bushes.
“It's just me,” a girl slowly walked out from behind a tree and held her hands up in the air, showing her innocence. Hunter eyed the youngest Blight up and down, and lowered the knife. He's never talked to her personally, only a few words of exchange every now and then. He didn't want to get close to her when he despised her girlfriend. Out of everyone being cooped up in that giant house, Boscha was just so stubborn and snobby.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed, not bothering to stay quiet. She walked a bit closer to him.
“I don't like sitting all cooped up in that stupid house, so sometimes I leave,” Amity said, picking at her fingernails.
“Are you crazy? Those damn walkers could eat you up at any-”
“I know. But I've been lucky, haven't I? I hide out in the trees,” Amity kept her eyes low, avoiding eye contact. Hunter sighed.
“Do you even have a weapon on you?” he asked. Amity shook her head.
“God, Blight,” Hunter groaned. “What are you gonna do when one of the fuckers jump on ya and try to bite your face off?”
“I don't know,” Amity whispered. She awkwardly shuffled away from Hunter and leaned against a tree. “I haven't really had to kill one yet. Been nearly two months but I've been hiding all this time like a damn coward.”
“Lemme teach ya. I'll go find one and teach you how to kill it- through the head,” Hunter offered. “I've killed hundreds of these motherfuckers already, so I'm a good teacher.”
Although he slightly stretched the truth, Amity began to trust him. They stayed side by side, searching the night for a walker to kill. They hid behind trees and listened carefully to pick out moans from the audible crickets.
“I hear one,” Amity whispered, pointing to a large tree about six yards away from them. Through the dark atmosphere, Hunter could see the shape of a walker stumbling along the forest. With a pocketknife in one hand and Amity’s hand in the other, he slowly led her to the walker. Just as they were about to reach it, it turned around and jumped towards Amity.
Amity flinched and jumped back, startled by the sudden movement. The stench of rotten flesh filled her nose as Hunter stabbed it through the forehead. The corpse fell on top of Amity as she tumbled to the ground.
“Oh shit! Fuck, I'm sorry Amity, I didn't mean for it to fall on you,” Hunter apologized as he yanked the body off of a very angry girl.
“That's disgusting,” Amity held her hand over her mouth as she tried to wipe the blood off her clothing. “I think I'm going to be sick.”
Amity turned away and vomited. Her throat burned as she wiped her mouth with her sleeve. She turned away and gave Hunter a sheepish grin.
“You okay?” he asked. Amity nodded.
“I don't think I could be that close to another one of those things for a while,” she said, coughing a bit.
Hunter grabbed his gun from his pocket and held it out in front of him. The shiny black outside shimmered in the night. “Do you know how to use a gun?”
Amity stared at the gun. “I think so. My brother took me to a shooting range for his birthday once.”
“Take this, I don't need it. I have another one,” he shook the gun a little to get her attention. Amity slowly wrapped her slender fingers around the gun and held it for a bit, playing around with the weight. “Just don't tell anybody, okay?”
Amity nodded and hooked the gun in her pants. “Can we go home now? I promise to use this whenever I come out here.”
Hunter stayed in a smaller guest room on the second floor, right next the Alador and Odalia's room. He shared with Darius and Matt, so he wasn't alone. Darius slept on a small twin sized bed while Matt and him slept on the floor, only covered with a thin blanket and pillow.
Hunter leaned against the wall and watched Darius and Matt peacefully sleep. Maybe it was creepy, but Hunter couldn't sleep. He couldn't let his guard down and needed to protect them, even if that meant his eyebags grew darker with each sunrise. Besides, sometimes he had nightmares and he didn't want anyone else to know.
With his head against the wall, he could hear muffled yelling from the room on the opposite side of him. He assumed it was Odalia and Alador. Despite being married for nearly twenty five years, they couldn't get along very well. He listened to them fight, each shriek and each insult was like an added minute of paying attention. He couldn't hear every word clearly but it was obvious they were fighting about their group staying in their house.
Eventually, he heard glass shatter, and more shouting. Then, silence. Alarmed, Hunter held his ear to the wall and could hear that Alador was speaking but in a calm tone. He heard a click and more soft spoken words.
Hunter heard. He snapped up, and knew exactly what was happening. Before he could react, a gunshot filled his ears. Screams followed afterward. He jumped up, not paying attention to Matt and Darius, and ran out to the hall.
“Amity, what did you do,” Boscha shrieked. “What the fuck did you do?”
Amity stood at the doorway, gripping the pistol in her hands, and stared blankly at the sight in front of her. Boscha stood behind her, her hot pink hair still wild from sleep, screaming. Alador sat on the foot of the bed, in shock, as he tried to comprehend what just happened.
Hunter stared at Odalia Blight lying on the floor, blood seething from her head. Her blonde hair was covered in blonde as he pooled all around her. A gun scattered on the floor beside her.
“Oh shit,” Hunter thought. “Amity fucking shot Odalia.”

I mean atkeast some Amity and Hunter bonding. I really have nothing to say tbh 😭 I was thinking of discontinuing one of my fics bc I don't want to write it no more and I have another idea (yes sorry I'm not very good at this writing stuff I have a short attention span) but that's just a thought idk. This one is fun to write tho so don't expect anything less than maybe..20 or so chapters. It'll take me a bit to finish but I have the whole story planned out already unlike another one of mine. anyway, have a nice night (for me) unless it's day/afternoon/evening for you. :)
BTW title is from the song "Just" by Radiohead

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