Live and Learn

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  Snow turned around to see a large brown-mottled tom with a white underbelly. She also noticed how his ears were folded forward uniquely. His amber eyes flickered in the sunlight and his teeth shone. She looked to Zero, who looked surprisingly pleased with the mottled tom's presence. Many cats who passed by looked at him with respect. Snow narrowed her eyes, knowing this was an important cat around here. She still wasn't sure rather be hostile or welcoming.

She decided to go hostile.

"Who are you and what is this place?" she gritted through her teeth, she braced herself in case she was attacked. She questioned if she was going too far, Zero had mentioned a Shrike and them possibly not being happy that she was brought here. Could this be that Shrike guy? I kinda thought they would be jet-black and have some sort of evil motive. Not a hippy guy. This may not even be Shrike anyways.

"No need to fret." the mottled tom purred. He had a loud purr, like a storm. He was bigger than many cats Snow had seen in RiverClan. He stepped forward. Cats all around them watched with curiosity. Zero eyed Snow as she stepped back. "This place is a group of peace. Where differences are welcome! I can see why Zero and Cider brought you here. Your red eyes are just exquisite, my dear." A shock wave rippled through her. No one had ever thought her eyes were nice before. Most cats would just stare at her weirdly and wrinkle their muzzles. The mottled tom grinned.

"That right there is what I get from all newcomers. They cower and then realize we are here to support them. My name is Shrike. And you are," he asked. Snow's ears pricked up as she realized who this was.

"Snow." She replied hesitantly. "My name is Snow." Shrike bowed his head and looked to the crowd gathering behind him, all trying to see the newcomer.

"Everyone! Let's all say hello to Snow!" Shrike announced. The rest of the group smiled and all greeted her.

"Hi, Snow!"

"How ya' doin'?"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Snow!"

Overwhelming happiness swarmed her. No cat had ever accepted her before. And now, a bunch of cats here live in peace, cherished for their differences. Some cats had different colored eyes, no fur or not a lot, scars, pelt colors, and patterns that Snow never knew existed. Snow smiled back at the crowd. Shrike grinned at her. He then waved his tail to silence the crowd.

"We are the Horizons. We look to a better future where everyone is accepted as themselves." Shrike told her. Snow grinned. As she did, loud paw steps came from the tunnel as Cider ran down with a large rabbit in his jaws. Snow then remembered her hunger, and then her mouth began to water. She tried not to look at the rabbit. Cider stopped when he had shoved his way to the front of the crowd and put on a goofy grin at Snow showing her the rabbit. Shrike chuckled as he looked back at Cider. The mottled tom then focused his attention back on Snow.

"Snow, you can stay in a den with Nettle and Tala," he informed her. Shrike then turned and beckoned the two she-cats up. Nettle was a black and white cat with a missing back left leg. She also had green eyes and a small smile. Tala was an extremely large brown tabby with amber eyes and a large mane around her neck. She had a small orange tulip tucked behind one ear. Both she-cats looked excited to have a new den mate. Shrike pointed his tail to the Nettle and Tala signaling for Snow to go with them. As Snow walked forward, Shrike said one more thing to her.

"Next week you will get your job amongst the Horizons. For now, just settle in and see if you like it here." Shrike smiled. Snow smiled and nodded. The crowd parted as the three cats went to the tunnel. Snow suddenly felt anxious as cats stared at her to get a better look. I know they mean well, but look at something else for StarClan's sake! The two she-cats then turned into a small narrow tunnel that led to a moss curtain. Behind it was a large opening. Light came in from another passageway from the other side. A small tunnel led to the outside that was also covered up by moss.

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