Close call

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Continuing the investigation the teens faced a problem where would they get another sample of Calaeb's handwriting. Reaching a dead end, they decide to find last few days of news and see it the case was every reported on tv, Luckly yesterday and this morning it was aired on tv. Kelly had gone on live television telling everyone that her children had been kidnapped by her husband and she is asking for their help. Although she sounded on the verge of tears, she never shed a tear and her face seemed to be emotion less throughout the entire interview. after a long weekend of working on the case they finally go back to school.  In fifth period a group of police officers entered the class asking for Kelsy and her friend group. In the hallway Kelsy, Mia, Zachary, and Mikey, look at each other hoping one of them knew what to do but the friends all where in a state of panic. Then an officer spoke up ''I understand that you 4 are the head of the teen detective club at KC high is that correct''? Too scared to answer the friends just nod.'' kids you don't have to be afraid we just want to know if you have been in contact with this man showing a picture as they say this. ''his name is Calaeb jones or Mr. Jones. The friends shake there head trying to be as calm as possible, luckily the officers leave them alone after this. After school the friends meet up with Alice a friend of the teen detective club from another school, they tell her what happened over the last few days although skeptical at first, but she decides to help them in the end. The friend group decide to go to Kelsy's house to continue the investigation. At Kelsy's house she tells her friends that she wants to get to a point in the case where they can anonymously send it to the police so that they start to question Mrs. Jones claims, the friends all agree and split different tasks among themselves. With Kelsy, she looks trough the rest of the box and finds some more of Calabe's personal items including his ID. She uses the signature on his ID and matches is the note ''he'' left and the picture of his handwriting he sent, to her surprise Calaeb only writes in print but the note evidence that was ''written by him'' is written in cursive although this doesn't make for sure that he didn't write the note its still helps his case. Then Kelsy continues by researching Calabe.

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