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Mrs. jones?- random neighbor  


are you going out this late?-Random neighbor

While MRS.JONES spoke with the neighbor Kelsy got out of sight and activated the tracking on her phone so she could see her location.

Alright good night to you too-Mrs. jones

ugh noisy ass neighbors-Mrs. jones

After this Mrs. jones drove of avoiding any highways or streets with cameras, after she was a good distance away and the coast was clear Kelsy came out of hiding got out her bike and followed the tracking making sure to be at lease 1 to 2 miles behind her as to not be seen. After about 45 minutes of following the tracker, it stopped at a harbor. Kelsy hide her bike and found somewhere to hide and listen. 

hey baby still won't give me another chance? - random man

Oh Marco when will you learn, is Lucus here yet?-Mrs-jones

Oh please crystal I still don't know why you picked him, and he is 5 minutes away- Marco

Hearing this Kelsy slowly made her way into the warehouse and he behind some shipping containers while behind one of the shipping containers she could hear some muttering. It was then she came to the realization that the thousands of shipping containers in the warehouse had people in them unaware of their faith Kelsy kept it together and climbed on to one of the shipping containers hiding in the shadows casted by the small and dime light. When she spotted the kids with Lucus not only them but 5 other kids were with him. Now Kelsy had no doubt in her mind that things were going bad, she wanted to contact the police but they were in on it so she had to do something else she needed to contact the FBI but how? 

Kelsy POV: I need to call someone but who and stuck.... if I call the number I got from those documentaries maybe I will get someone.

Somewhere else in Texas a phone rings in a office and a young lady answers.

Hello FBI trafficking department- the operator

my name is Kelsy young am calling about the missing children's case of 1990, I found the people behind this am at fishers' harbor view in Nashville Texas warehouse 9 i can't talk much. 

Ok mama we are sending a group of agents that are in Texas already and near to your location now it will take them about 20 minute-The operator

While you wait can you call the police department of your town? -operator

No they are in on it they won't do anything-Kelsy

Ok mama stay safe and out of sight don't try anything to risky -operator

Hey lets pack this up we have to get over to Mexico before sun rise-Lucas

Mama did I just hear right there going to leave stay where you are th-

Am sorry I have to do something tell them to hurry.

 Kelsy's POV: I need to stall them, I can't do anything that won't let them now am here I will just have to do plan B. Without another thought Kelsy moves swift and quite trough the shadows and gets down from the shipping containers. Now she's in between tow shipping containers in the dark right next to the kids, she has to take the kids that they want most she looks at the kids and looks at Penelopy she they would want her most so Kelsy's looks around the room is empty and there busy putting all the shipping containers on the ship. Kelsy takes her chance and gets out of the shadow takes Penelopy and runs back into the shadows before she explains anything to her she takes her to the top of the shipping containers and hides her in a empty box up there she goes into the shadows beside the box Penelopy is in and just waits. After almost falling asleep she hears someone yelling and cursing someone else for not watching the kids and letting one escape. On the verge of sleep and tiredness Kelsy hears police cars they rush in catching the criminals she yells out to tell them where she was and falls asleep.....         

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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