☆Just Can't Wait for School☆

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☆Juliette's POV☆

I plopped onto the couch beside Stellan, who was enjoying watching Pierce and Finn play muggle games.

"What's wrong with you?" Fin asked, not looking away from his game.

"I just came back from the fourth event this week! It's getting unbearable!"

"I thought you were used to doing events you have gone to plenty in the past," Stellan said.

"Yeah, but Dad has been setting up events almost every day!" Stellan just nodded "I just can't wait to go back to school, he's insane!"

"We don't go back to school for a little while."

"I know..." I sighed again.

No one moved for a while as Stellan and I watched Pierce and Finn play their game.

"Pierce you aren't doing so good" Stellan pointed out.

"Oh, shut up like you could do better"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Yes, it is" Finn and Stellan then switched spots, then Pierce and Stellan started playing. I decided to head to my room. When I walked in though I saw something I did not expect. There was a house elf on my bed, and it wasn't Talbey.

"Hello?" It turned around to face me

"H-Hello Ms. Fudge"

"Hello, and you don't have to call me that feel free to use my first name" He nodded "I don't mean to sound rude but what is the reason for your visit? We don't usually get other house elves visiting us without their... Masters" I tried to say in the nicest way possible.

"Dobby has come to tell you, Miss ... it is difficult... Dobby wonders where to begin...." I looked over to the two armchairs by my window.

"Come take a seat with me I usually find it better to talk when sitting"

"S-sit down!" he wailed. "Never ... never. . . "

"I'm sorry do you not want to sit down?"

"Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a witch - like an equal-"

"Really? Well, I would like you to sit down" I said gesturing to a chair which he gratefully sat in.

"Does your master know you're here?" I asked curiously but Dobby shuddered.

"Oh, no, Miss, no ... Dobby will have to punish himself most grievously for coming to see you. Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven door for this. If they ever knew, Miss"

"Oh, that's horrible it must be really important this thing you want to tell me! How about you get started?"

"Dobby has come to protect Miss Juliette, to warn you Hogwarts will not be safe this year for either you or Mr. Harry Potter."

"Harry?" I asked concerned, I hadn't gotten a single letter from him all summer. I was really worried about him.

"Yes, it is not safe for him to go back to Hogwarts."

"Why?" I asked in surprise.

"There is a plot Miss, a plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year," whispered Dobby, suddenly trembling all over.

"What is going to happen at Hogwarts this year?"

"I-I cannot say" I nodded.

"I assume you are going to see Harry later?" he nodded "Well could you deliver a letter to him I have no idea whether he's ok or not" At this Dobby looked down "Dobby what's wrong?"

"You mustn't be mad."

"Dobby what did you do?" He pulled out a bunch of letters all addressed to Harry some written in my handwriting while others were written in Hermione and Ron's "You have been taking Harry's letters!" He nodded and I sighed "What for?"

"Dobby hoped ... if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him ... Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, Miss....."

"Oh, Dobby it's ok I suppose I will see him sooner or later" He nodded.

"Goodbye now Miss"

"Goodbye Dobby" He then snapped his fingers and disappeared. I sighed and sat down on my bed and read.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

The next morning, I woke up to see my school items piled in the corner I looked through it to see a lot of Lockhart books. I had met Lockhart before and it was not a fun time, he is so full of himself, and he doesn't seem like the type of person to do the stuff said in his books. I sighed and walked out of my room. I walked to the kitchen to see Finn eating cupcakes. "It's a little early for cupcakes you know."

"It's never too early for cupcakes" I shook my head.

"Did you see the school supplies this year?"

"If you mean the ten million Lockhart books then yes"

"I wonder what we need them for" I picked up the Daily Prophet and started looking through it.

"Probably a witch teacher teaching DADA"

"Why a witch!"

"Because who else would ask for them?"

"I don't know maybe Lockhart himself?"

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know maybe because it says here that he will be teaching at Hogwarts."

"What let me see" He grabbed the paper and read it before sighing and putting it down.

"Guess you're right"

"I always am" Fin then opened up a letter and started laughing "Harry looks so annoyed in this picture" I smiled when he showed me "The Weasleys picked him up by car"

"What really?"

"Yep, the other night"

"Well at least he's with them" I grabbed a cupcake and started eating it

"I thought you said it was too early for cupcakes."

"And I thought you said it was never too early for cupcakes."

"Using my own words against me" I smiled and headed out to the garden for a morning walk.

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