☆Hermione's Back☆

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☆Juliette's POV☆

I watched from my bed in the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey slowly unpetrified the students and cat. Filch made Madam Pomfrey do Mrs. Norris first, who when woken was startled by Filch who engulfed the cat in a bone-crushing hug before being ushered out. Next was Collin Creevey, and then Justin, and then Hermione. When Hermione woke up, she looked over at me and ran over to hug me.

"Are you ok? What happened?"

"Yeah," I said my voice raspy, from not talking so much. I don't know why I decided to talk then but I guess now that everything was normal again I felt much better. "Harry defeated the Heir, they're in the Great Hall want to go? I'll tell you everything on the way" I said my voice progressively getting better. Once we got into the Great Hall both Harry and Ron got up in excitement. We ran over and Hermione yelled out "You solved it! You solved it!" before engulfing Harry in a hug and awkwardly shaking hands with Ron making me smile.

"Hey Harry," I said hugging him, he looked at me in shock.

"You got your voice."

"Screaming messes up your voice I guess," I said shrugging, he just nodded, and we sat down.

☆Harry's POV☆

Harry had been to several Hogwarts feasts, but never one quite like this, the celebration lasted all night.

Harry didn't know whether the best bit was Hermione running toward him, screaming. "You solved it! You solved it!" or Justin hurrying over from the Hufflepuff table to wring his hand and apologize endlessly for suspecting him, or Hagrid turning up at half past three, cuffing Harry and Ron so hard on the shoulders that they were knocked into their plates of trifle, or his and Ron's four hundred points for Gryffindor securing the House Cup for the second year running, or Professor McGonagall standing up to tell them all that the exams had been canceled as a school treat 

"Oh, no!" said Hermione, 

Or Dumbledore announcing that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, since he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in the cheering that greeted this news.

"Shame," said Ron, helping himself to a jam doughnut. "He was starting to grow on me." The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few, small differences -Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were canceled, 

"but we've had plenty of practice at that anyway," Ron told a disgruntled Hermione and Lucius Malfoy had been sacked as a school governor.

Draco was no longer strutting around the school as though he owned the place. On the contrary, he looked resentful and sulky. On the other hand, Julie was perfectly happy again. Too soon, it was time for the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Julie, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Finn, Pierce, and Ginny got a compartment to themselves. 

They made the most of the last few hours in which they were allowed to do magic before the holidays. They played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred, Finn, and George's Filibuster fireworks, and practiced disarming each other with magic. Harry was getting very good at it. They were almost at King's Cross when Harry remembered something.

"Ginny - what did you see Percy doing, that he didn't want you to tell anyone?"

"Oh, that," said Ginny, giggling. "Well - Percy's got a girlfriend." Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head.


"It's that Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope Clearwater," said Ginny. "That's who he was writing to all last summer. He's been meeting her all over the school in secret. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day. You won't tease him, will you?" she added anxiously.

"Wouldn't dream of it," said Fred, who was looking like his birthday had come early.

"Definitely not," said George, sniggering. The Hogwarts Express slowed and finally stopped. Harry pulled out his quill and a bit of parchment and turned to Ron, Julie, and Hermione.

"This is called a telephone number," he told Ron and Julie scribbling it twice, tearing the parchment in two, and handing it to them. "I told your dad how to use a telephone last summer - he'll know, and Julie you remember when I taught you too right? Call me at the Dursleys, okay? I can't stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to......"

"Your aunt and uncle will be proud, though, won't they?" said Hermione as they got off the train and joined the crowd thronging toward the enchanted barrier. "When they hear what you did this year?"

"Proud?" said Harry. "Are you crazy? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious..." And together they walked back through the gateway to the Muggle world.

☆Juliette's POV☆

I smiled at my friends, feeling a twinge of sadness as we parted. With a wave, I turned to walk towards the car where my brothers were waiting. I could hear their laughter before I even reached the vehicle.

"So... the tradition continues!" Finn greeted me with a wide grin as I slid into the back seat.

Pierce looked puzzled and asked, "What tradition?"

Finn quipped back, "Well, we all get in this car and reminisce about the great times we had after school, even though Ju-Ju here almost died. Then, we go back to being posh objects for Dad to show off!"

I let out a chuckle. "Sounds about right."

Stellan, ever the optimist, raised his glass. "So cheers to another great year?" he proposed.

We all nodded in agreement, and the car filled with the sound of clinking glasses. As we drove off, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the memories we had yet to make.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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