☆Colin Creevy Met The Monster☆

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I walked up to the common room and when Hermione and Ron went to the dorm rooms. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and couldn't sleep, I pulled out the diary that was still in my bag from the morning. I grabbed a quill and opened the diary taking a deep breath before writing on the first page.

Hello Tom

Hello Juliette, how are you doing? I haven't talked to you in a while.

I want to know who you are

I am Tom Marvolo Riddle

Yes, but there's something more, I know you have something to do with what's going on at the school, but you won't tell me

Do you still think I opened the Chamber of Secrets?

No, I think you had Ginny and I open it for you using a curse

Well then you would be correct

My heart started to race as I quickly answered

So you're the Heir of Slytherin?


You made me and Ginny open it for you?



Because I want to rid the school of mudbloods, and I would love to talk to you more about my plan but first we need a more private spot


You want answers, right?

I hesitated before answering, I needed to figure this out. Before anyone else is hurt and this is my only lead so far


Then you can follow my directions

What do I do?

Put your hand on the notebook and let me take over your mind


I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and putting my hand on the page of the diary. I sat there with my eyes closed before I felt a familiar feeling wash over me as I was no longer in control of my body. I started to feel a nauseating feeling like I was spinning, and I could hear a rushing of wind in my ears.

After a minute or so it stopped, and I finally had control of my body. I opened my eyes, and I was in a room similar to the common room but there were only two chairs and a fireplace. One of the chairs was occupied by a boy maybe the same age as Pierce, he had dark brown wavy hair. He smiled at me, and I walked over to him warily.

"You're Tom Riddle?" I said stiffly

"Correct, take a seat," he said gesturing to the seat, I ignored him

"Why are you making me, and Ginny open the Chamber?"

"Because I can't do it myself yet"


"Yes, slowly I am taking energy from Ginny to help bring me back to life"

"You're going to kill her!"

"Yes, Ginny wasn't supposed to tell you about me, but I am glad she did. I immediately knew you were Leanna's daughter"

"How did you know her?" I said stiffening up when he mentioned my mother.

"I went to school with her"

"You knew my mother? I haven't met anyone who knew my mother"

"Yes, she did like to stay unknown, but she was very powerful, and I think you are just as powerful"

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