☆Goodbye's and Hello's to Tom Riddle☆

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I ran to the Gryffindor Common Room as fast as I could, I needed to talk to Ginny. I found her sitting on the couch,


"What is it"

"Follow me" I lead her to right outside Moaning Murtle's bathroom the place I was pretty sure the chamber was located. "We need to get rid of this journal" I said showing her Tom Riddle's diary.

"But how"

"Go in there and throw it."

"Why me?"

"B-because you were the last person, he used so I guess it makes more sense." I said trying to come up with an excuse. I had given Harry a newspaper article from Myrtle's death 50 years ago and I hope he matches it together and comes here and find the diary then finds out what it does and gives it to Dumbledore. Yes, my plan is very flawed but it's the best plan I have at this point.

"Ok" I handed it to her, and she went in, I paced outside for a couple minutes before she came running out.

"Did it work?"

"It's gone" I nodded, and she ran off to wherever she went, and I headed to the hospital wing. I had heard she was there, and I wanted to talk to her. After getting Madam Pomfrey to let me in a walked behind a curtain that hid Hermione except, she was well a cat... person.

"Polyjuice Potion go wrong?" she looked at me in surprise as I sat down in a chair next to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't- I wanted to see you I guess" she looked at me oddly before smiling. "So did you use cat hair, or did you test it on yourself because Ron and Harry looked just like Crabbe and Goyle" she looked at me in shock.

"You knew it was them?!"

"Well yeah Draco may not be observant but I sure am."

"I accidentally used cat hair I got off of Millicent Bulstrode's robes."



"So do you believe Draco isn't the Heir?"

"Yeah, you were right."

"Told you" I said smiling it was nice to be talking with Hermione again.

"I don't know how to find them, Polyjuice was my only plan,"

"Maybe you don't need a plan, maybe this whole thing is over, and everyone will be fine and this whole thing will just blow over."

"I don't know but I don't think it will end that easily, I just don't know who will get petrified next... or worse... I can't think of anyone at Hogwarts would want to kill muggleborns" I wanted to tell her so bad.

"That's the thing, maybe the real heir-"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe the heir is someone outside of Hogwarts."

"Julie?" I was about to go on when I heard footsteps and jumped up to see Ron and Harry rushing into the room.

"I-I have to go, I'll talk to you later I promise" I said before rushing past Harry and Ron.

☆Harry's POV☆

I watched Julie leave looking really flustered before heading over to Hermione.

"What did she want?"

"N-nothing" Hermione said looking to where Julie left.

"We found this book in the bathroom from Tom Riddle who won an award for special services to the school 50 years ago."

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