The Beginning (Reign of the Pretoxican Stellar Republic)

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13,800,000,000 B.C.:

The Big Bang (Birth of the universe); This universe as well as an adjoining sub-universe is born simultaneously around this time, as estimated by the Hubble constant, Globular Cluster ages, and white dwarf cooling rates.

5,000,000,000 B.C.:

Traditional date for the birth of Pretoxiria, Goddess of Creation, and Tre'liran, Goddess of Destruction. According to Pretoxican folklore, it is believed that the creation of the world Pretoxiria in the Andromeda Galaxy was divinely ordained by the two goddesses.

114,000,000 B.C.:

Widespread colonization of worlds by an unknown, long-extinct race dubbed the "Seeders" occurs. This race, of whom no artifact has survived the vast eons, appears to have settled hundreds of planets in the Fourth Quadrant of the known universe (commonly known as the Local Galactic Group by the Terran race in the far future) before their demise. Because of stellar dispersion, it is impossible to know (without surveying the entire Local Group) how large their sphere of influence once was, though estimates place it on upwards of thirty thousand inhabited star systems. On some worlds, it appears they only introduced new life to pre-existing ecosystems. Others appear to have been completely terraformed, and all their life transplanted from elsewhere. In the Valivarre star system located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the barren third moon of the gas giant Fantoma is terraformed into an Earth-like world by the "Seeders." The moon would be known as Tirol in the near future.

6,000,000 B.C.:

In the sub-universe, a spiritual energy lifeform comes into being. It gradually evolves into a sentient lifeform. In this universe also, life is born on the world Pretoxiria, evolves, and its first known humanoid lifeform, the Pretoxicans ("Settlers").

500,000 B.C. (0 P.C.):

Beginning of Pretoxican Calendar (0 P.C.).

499,790 B.C. (210 P.C.):

The city-state of Tr'Glath is established on Pretoxiria's southern continent, Gh'lest.

499,650 B.C. (350 P.C.):

Warring factions between city-states lead to a war destroying most of the eastern coast of Gh'lest.

The northern continent strengthens against possible invasion.

499,620 B.C. (380 P.C.):

Tre'Laren, the First Warlord of Tr'Glath, wins the war against the Farg'leh city-states and establishes himself as Emperor.

499,590 B.C. (410 P.C.):

The northern continent is subjugated by Tr'Glath forces.

497,760 B.C. (2240 P.C.):

The first Pretoxican satellite is placed in orbit.

497,700 B.C. (2300 P.C.):

The first Pretoxican space station is established on one of Pretoxiria's moons.

497,600 B.C. (2400 P.C.):

The First Pretoxican Settlement of Space begins, using sublight-velocity vessels to explore and colonize space in their local vicinity.

497,500 B.C. (2500 P.C.):

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