The Ci'Vonian Crisis (The Disciples of Zor)

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1481-1502 A.D. (224000-239000 I.C.):

Zor retires briefly to Ci'Va to continue his research and collaborate with Ci'Vonian colleagues. While there, he pseudonymously pens a series of political and philosophical tracts favoring federalist republicanism over the current imperium. Zor is recalled back to Tirol by the Elders and is severely reprimanded, but his writings strike a chord in the Ci'Vonian people and in the old patrician families on Tirol and elsewhere. Ci'Vonian nationalism blossoms.

1498 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Nupetiet Vergnitzs-class fleet command ship.

1519-1520 A.D. (250700-251900 I.C.):

The Ci'Vonian Crisis begins; The Robotech Masters demands the Autonomous Republic of Ci'Vonia surrender its sovereignty to the Robotech Empire. Ci'Vonia balks, and a major fleet of 200,000 Zentraedi warships, known as the "Inspection Army," is sent as a threat. However, the Zentraedi and Meltrandi of the Inspection Army become contaminated by and enamored with Ci'Vonian culture and eventually refuse to carry out their orders. When word arrives that an example is to be made of the Republic's capital world of Ci'Va, a third of the planet's population is hurriedly evacuated by their new Zentraedi allies, just as the 118th Bodolzaa Zer Zentraedi Grand Fleet (then comprising 800,000 warships) commanded by Supreme Commander Dolza arrives to completely bombard the planet, rendering it uninhabitable. In all, 500 million Ci'Vonians and 1.7 billion rebel Zentraedi escape into the vastness of space. Surviving members of the Ci'Vonian government adopt the nearby colony world of Cylesia as their new capital.

1560 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Thuverl Salan-class Heavy Cruiser.

1562 A.D. (281412 I.C.):

The Ci'Vonians, their many Tirolian aristocratic sympathizers, and rogue Zentraedi and Meltrandi armies, known collectively to the Robotech Masters as the "Disciples of Zor," declare war on the Robotech Empire. In response, the Masters dramatically increase the numbers of loyal Zentraedi and Meltrandi to counter the threat, giving Dolza significant autonomy over the Zentraedi Imperial Fleet and its operations.

1590 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Rineunadou Lojmeuean-class Monitor, the first major Zentraedi capital ship with a Reflex cannon.

1590-1790 A.D. (301000-450000 I.C.):

Caught between the Ci'Vonian war on one front, and the attrition against outlying territories by the Invid, the Robotech Empire begins to show signs of collapse.

1604 A.D.:

- 1604.03.12

Exedore Folmo emerges from his clone chamber.

1610 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Quiltra Queleual-class Multi-Purpose Transport Vessel.

1653 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet is launched to serve as an elite semi-autonomous combat force made up of mixed Tirolian and Zentraedi crews to deal with threats on the Empire's borders. In the following years, the Border Fleet takes up the defensive as the Invid and the Disciples of Zor begin to intensify their respective offensives onto the Tirolians' outer reaches.

1662 A.D.:

The Tirolian Imperial Forces commissions the Quiltra Draenitzs-class Multi-Purpose Transport at the Tirolian Orbital Shipyards and the Cirtzsai Yards.

1680 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet commissions the Sian Dereta-class Border Fleet Battlefortress as its main capital ship at the Maldara lunar yards in the Vallivarre system.

1732 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet commissions the Seron Thoun-class Battlecruiser.

1786 A.D.:

The Tirolian Imperial Forces commissions the Taul Detrel-class Destroyer at the Tirolian Orbital Shipyards and the Civralidor Fleet Yards.

1792 A.D. (445000 I.C.):

The Ci'Vonian Crisis ends; A Ci'Vonian fleet arrives on Tirol and launches a massive offensive against the Imperial capital. The Tirolian patricians, long stifled by the Triumvirates, throw their lot in with the Disciples of Zor. The Zentraedi loyal to the Empire are insufficient to defend the homeworld, and the Elders are forced to bring out their Bioroid reserves armies piloted by Triumviroids and regular Tirolian citizens. The Ci'Vonians are driven back but at great cost. The Tirolian patricians go into exile among the retreating Ci'Vonians. To prevent another Zentraedi rebellion, all Zentraedi and Meltrandi forces are then cautioned by the Robotech Masters to avoid close contact with "Micronians" (a derogatory term by Zentraedi, Meltrandi, and elitist Tirolians for any civilization that does not embrace advanced "lifestyles" that support positive eugenics-based cloning and controlling one's emotions), because of the consequences of cultural contamination such as what happened with the Inspection Army's encounter with the Ci'Vonians.

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