Tirolian (Tiresian) Classical and Prehistory

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380,000 B.C.:

The "Travellers" fail to attain Apothesis, eventually coming to the regretful conclusion that they had evolved as far as they were capable. However, Haydon reinvigorates his followers, saying that just because they can't reach transcendence, that doesn't mean that another race wouldn't be able to accomplish this feat.

Haydon's exploration vessel stops temporarily on several planets in the Seren Globular Cluster of the Large Magellanic Cloud, interfering with the biosphere of each in the hope of evolving the native life to a point where they could do what he could not. First, he forged a symbiotic connection between the vulpine Garudans and their planet's biosphere; second, he kickstarted the evolution of the crystalline lifeforms of Spheris; third, he gifted Peryton with a telepathic engine that inadvertently drove the planet into an unending war; then, he forges a former Pretoxican research world into the mechanical planet of Haydon IV and directly aids in the development of cybernetic humanoid lifeforms based on the android soldiers of the Tre'liran Autonomous Defense Forces known as the Haydonites and their leader, a highly-advanced artificial intelligence system called the Awareness, who view him as a creator-god; next, he blessed the planet of Praxis with artificial insemination technology that allowed its all-female population to propagate; he then showered the uninhabited Earth-like planet that would become known as Optera with massive amounts of zero-point energy, believing the world will one day foster lifeforms with great genetic potential; and finally, he taught the people of Karbarra the secrets of the rare Sekiton ore, which led to their world becoming an advanced industrial society. The legend of the "Travellers" live on throughout this globular cluster, with statues and monuments to them existing on nearly every world they've visited.

250,000 B.C.:

The "Travellers" discover Earth in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and come into contact with the nascent humanity in a place that would known as Mayan Island in the South Pacific. There, they leave many artifacts and proof of their visit in their oral traditions and archeological myths of the native Mayan people, whom they genetically altered with Protoculture so they can be able to interact with those devices through ancient chants based on the Pretoxican language. Seeing the war-like tendencies of Earth's inhabitants (and not wanting to repeat their people's past mistakes with the Pratir'Ne), the "Travellers" leave behind a very powerful and advanced Tre'liran biomecha (known as the "Bird Human" in Mayan folklore) in the South Pacific ocean depths. This mecha was programmed to destroy the human race in case it followed the same path of war and destruction the Pretoxicans did and was activated and controlled through the chants of the Mayan Islander shamans.

After their experiments are complete, Haydon and his followers return to Haydon IV and enter an indefinite period of hibernation, converting their physical bodies into data and merging with the planet, to be reawakened by a pre-set program within the Haydonite Awareness when one of the races who had felt their touch finally attained the long-sought goal of transcendence.

100,000 B.C.:

The Haydonites emerged as an advanced civilization on Haydon IV, united under the guidance of the Awareness. They then launch a space exploration program to make contact with other alien races to forge possible alliances within the near future.

In preparation for first contact with hostile powers, the Haydonites use weapons development research left behind by Haydon to construct their own Shadow Technology weapons. The Haydonites' development and subsequent mass production of Shadow Technology saw the creation of superweapons such as the Synchro-Cannons and the Neutron-S Missiles, some of which are even powerful enough to destroy entire planets.

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