Zorrlev'dri - Zor's Discovery (The Advent of Robotechnology)

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1323 A.D. (1289 A.L.):

Zor Derelda, son of the renowned Senator Zol Derelda, is born in the capital city of Tiresia.

1336 A.D.:

Zor grows to show great aptitude in biological and technological science. He spends his time at his family's estate creating fantastical inventions encouraged by his father, his mentor Cabell, his best friend Vard Desslock, and his lover Arla Zosma.

The first of Zor's inventions is a highly-skilled artificial intelligence that he would name E.V.E. (Note: E.V.E., or Enhanced Video Emulation for short, was the Terran designation, the correct transliteration of the Tirolian designation is Ih'va). Shortly after her creation, E.V.E. becomes Zor's A.I. assistant in his studies.

1339 A.D. (1291 A.L.):

Karbarra severs ties with Tirol and gives preferred trading status to Ci'Vonia.

1341 A.D. (1292 A.L.):

Tirol begins to suffer from an energy crisis as Karbarran Sekiton, a deuterium-rich ore widely used for fueling most fusion reactors of the time, became generally unavailable shortly after Karbarra ended their trade agreement. This embargo forces Tirol to return to older and more inefficient methods of acquiring the choice of nuclear fuels.

Around this time, the Dulia Brothers begin to propagate their philosophy of how the current republican government is the reason that Tirol has been growing weak and stagnant in recent years, amassing a large following of scientists and aristocrats from the upper and middle castes. This group of ideologues would become known as the "Cult of the Three-in-One." Led by the Dulia Brothers and obsessed with the numerology of threes, this new cult seeks to reform the Interstellar Republic into an authoritarian state to create what was, in their point of view, the perfect society--a race of trinities acting in concert for the good of their race, where emotional expression and individuality were forbidden in favor for cold and calculating utilitarianism.

In response to the growing energy crisis, Senator Nimuul Dulia (secretly leader of the Cult of the Three-in-One alongside his brothers Hepsis and Fallagar) proposes the annexation of the Seren Globular Cluster into the Tirolian Interstellar Republic, which is continuously debated in the General Assembly of the Senate, at the same time as a deep-space exploration is being debated. The two major political groups of the Senate, led by Senator Nimuul Dulia and Senator Zol Derelda respectively, combine these into one bill of legislation, which passes.

Zor Derelda demonstrates his theory of Organic Energy before the Tiresian Science Institute. Zor is selected to participate in a deep space exploration program, with hundreds of exploration vessels sent out across the Seren Globular Cluster and other uncharted regions of the Large Magellanic Cloud to search for suitable alternate energy resources.

1343 A.D. (1293 A.L.):

After charting 12 other systems in the Seren Globular Cluster, the Tirolian exploration vessel Aztraph ("Venture") enters the Tzuptum star system and discovers the planet Optera and its unique lifeforms, the Invid. The Aztraph's deep space survey team, led by Zor Derelda, discovers the Flower of Life and makes first contact with the Invid.

Believing that the Tirolians will help their species rebuild their fallen civilization and uplift them into the larger galactic community, the current Invid Regent and Regess teach Zor (who they naively believe to be the reincarnation of Haydon) the secrets of Protoculture and the Flower of Life through their advanced physic abilities in exchange for advanced technology and knowledge of other cultures.

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