Downfall of the Robotech Empire (Zor's Rebellion)

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1800 A.D. (450000 I.C.):

Frustrated by the Robotech Elders' incompetence and inability to properly handle the Ci'Vonian rebellion, their chief subordinates, the 1st Robotech Masters Triumvirate, seize control of the government from the Elders, who remain as figureheads. Though the Robotech Empire's foundations are weakened, an Imperial Renaissance begins.

1801 A.D.:

Zor relocates his family's old estate on Windermere to continue his research in isolation.

1801-1940 A.D.:

The Robotech Masters authorize a joint Tirolian/Zentraedi counter-invasion of the remaining worlds of the Autonomous Republic of Ci'Vonia aimed at assuring the complete destruction of the Disciples of Zor and their sympathizers, and any vestigial threat they posed to the supremacy of the Empire.

1821 A.D.:

- 1821.06.25

Breetai Kridanik emerges from his clone chamber.

1831 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet commissions the Regult Tactical Battle Pod.

1838 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet finishes construction of the Fulbtzs Berrentzs-class Mobile Homebase as a major supply depot and clone manufacturing center, and the main base of operations for Zentraedi Supreme Commander Dolza Bodolzaa Zer and his Grand Fleet.

1843 A.D.:

The Zentraedi Imperial Fleet begins production of the Glaug Officer Battle Pod. Serving with the regular Zentraedi/Meltrandi forces and the Tirolian Border Fleets from 1843 onwards, this new mecha replaces the aging Khaulaug Command Battle Pod.

1850 A.D. (486000 I.C.):

The Invid military campaign intensifies, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Ci'Vonian Crisis.

The Invid Regency relocates its main base of operations from the Small Magellanic Cloud to its former homeworld of Optera, now a barren wasteland with little to no vegetation.

Yawben, on the edge of the Robotech Mercantile Empire's borders, revolts.

1855 A.D.:

Destruction of Glaug production capacity by a Disciples of Zor attack on the Roiquonmi Factory Satellite.

1860 A.D.:

- 1860.11.06

Kazianna Hesh emerges from her clone chamber.

1865 A.D.:

The Tirolian Border Fleet commissions the Tou Salaam-class Long-Duration Picket Cruiser.

1869 A.D.:

An Invid Hive Fleet destroys the automated Reaction Weaponry Factory Satellite. The Robotech Masters, confident of the enormous stockpiles of the Tirolian Imperial Forces and the Zentraedi Imperial Fleet, neglect to construct a new production facility with adequate capacity to supply the Tirolian Robotech Mercantile Empire in their ongoing war against the Invid.

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