World War III (History of the Global Civil War)

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1979 A.D.:

Paolo Solleri builds the first "arcology" (architectural ecology) Arcosanti near Phoenix, Arizona.

- 1979.07.05

Roy Fokker is born to Daniel and Christina Fokker. Roy's mother dies immediately after giving birth.

- 1979.10

The KGB quietly "removes" President Hafizullah Amin from power in Afghanistan, amid concerns over his abuse of power and mishandling of the growing anti-government insurgency. The more reliable, former Deputy Prime Minister Babrak Karmal is installed in his place.

- 1979.11

At the request of President Babrak Karmal, the Soviet Union sends additional forces to help fight the anti-government insurgency.

1980 A.D.:

- 1980.04.07

Steve Kramer is born.

- 1980.09.14

Jack Archer is born.

- 1980.11

The US Voyager 1 surveys Saturn.

- 1980.10.25

B.D. Andrews is born.

1981 A.D.:

- 1981.01

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) begins to support anti-Sandinista Contras in Nicaragua.

1982-1989 A.D.:

The Iran-Iraq War; Iran and Iraq go to war over the dominance of the Persian Gulf. The war ends in a stalemate, resulting in extremist insurgencies within both countries.

1982 A.D.:

- 1982.02.18

Claudia Grant is born.

- 1982.04

Outbreak of the Falklands conflict between England and Argentina.

- 1982.04.12

The US launches STS-1 Columbia, the first containerized cargo vessel in space.

- 1982.09.13

Aries Turner is born.

1983 A.D.:

Soviet troop strength in Afghanistan reaches a wartime high of 42,000.

- 1983.03

US President Ronald Reagan proposes the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), nicknamed the "Star Wars" program, an anti-ICBM defense network to protect America from nuclear attack. The proposal fails to gain funding from the House, due to the ongoing oil crises and resulting budget crunch.

- 1983.06.16

Nora Polyansky is born.

- 1983.09.27

Rolf Emerson is born.

- 1983.10

US forces invade the Caribbean island of Grenada, overthrowing the Marxist military government and expelling Cuban troops.

- 1983.11

Exercise Able Archer 83; Soviet Intelligence Services misinterpret a test of NATO's nuclear warfare procedures as a fake cover for an actual NATO attack; in response, Soviet nuclear forces are put on high alert and come perilously to launching a preemptive nuclear strike.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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