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Gold paused as Silver showed him how to fletch arrows. While it looked simple, what caught Gold's attention was the book he brought out to show him. It was more than just a simple fletching guide as the table of contents had a bunch of stuff.

"You know a lot..." Silver paused before smiling.

"Truthfully, I only know three fletches." Gold paused.

"Really?" Silver nodded.

"There's the natural fletch, which is the typical arrow..." He flipped to a page and showed it. "The knot fletch, which is an arrow with rope." He flipped to another page and showed it. "Lastly, there's this beauty." He smiled. "The echo fletch. Masters of catching pokemon with arrows showcase that mastery with this arrow. This arrow, with the right aim, can hit any pokemon no matter what. The arrow is so versatile that it can be used in any instance." Gold's eyes lit up.

"Woah..." Silver nodded.

"I'm one of three people that can fletch it properly. The other two pay extreme amounts for something so simple, but I guess it can't be helped." He then flipped back to the natural fletch. "Right now, teaching you the natural fletch is a good start." Gold nodded.


They then arrived at Azalea, where an elder was watching them.

"Fletchers. Buzz off." Silver giggled.

"Sir, I'm not here to rob you of your goods." The elder's eyes softened as he smiled.

"Ah, I kid. Then what is your purpose?" Silver smiled.

"Mr. Kurt, this is Gold, a catcher. Gold, this is Kurt, the infamous Pokeball Master Maker in Johto." Kurt paused.

"A catcher? I don't recognize your face..." Gold lowered his head before he paused. "Wait... a bow and quiver of arrows... you from the Archer Catchers?" Gold raised his head.

"Yeah... I'm still getting over a few road bumps..." Kurt smiled.

"While I know you are also looking for normal pokeballs, I can at least help you out a little bit." Gold thanked him as they went inside.


Gold smiled as he aimed the freshly made arrow at a Beedrill. Silver watched silently as Megaree fired an attack at it, causing it to look around in a panic. He then fired, pulling it in and successfully catching it. He grinned as Megaree went to fetch the arrow. Silver applauded him.

"That was amazing." Gold rubbed his head sheepishly as the starter returned the arrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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