chapter 6: school trip

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        We reached school Just in time, because as soon as we came down from the vehicle we boarded, the bell was rang for sport period. All students assembled at the field, getting ready for sport period. Our P.E teacher was already at the field, trying to co-ordinate all the students. Physical education teacher was a male,and to be frank,he is actually Al the students favorite teacher.

          After coordinating us, along with help from some other teachers,he proceeded by saying: "please let's all be quiet". The noise was less a bit, but some murmuring were still going on. This time, he said it a bit louder than before with a bit of seriousness, "I said no noise". All of a sudden there was total silent as if one was in the graveyard.

....… so pentville academy can be as quiet as this? I asked myself silently...........

Then p.e teacher continued by saying: "now, this is better, the quiet atmosphere is good for an announcement". He further addressed us by saying: "as we all know, sport activities are done in the school on Wednesdays, but this time around, we are going on a school trip later in the day". Once again, there was murmuring, but this time, it was a bit louder than before and it was as if a spell was cast upon all the students of pentville academy to start talking simultaneously.

        At first, I was surprised because I wondered why we were going on a sudden school trip without being told earlier. "Like it felt and seemed like a dream and it's so so soon". But still, I was also excited that we are going on a whole new adventure. I snapped out of my thoughts, when p.e teacher addressed the crowd to quit murmuring and listen to further announcement. He went on by saying that we are also going to be paired. Which means, each of us would have a partner, so we would go two by two just like in "Noah and the ark" where all the animals went two by two. "This just got interesting" I said on my mind.

Immediately after p.e teacher said that we were going to be paired, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind because "what if it's John I was paired with or mark or even worst, Veronica!!!! It won't be funny to be paired with these sets of people. How can I even talk to john after all what happened? talk less of even being paired with him. "Hell no!!" I just pray that I won't be joined with these annoying sets of frustrating beings who call themselves students.

              "That's all for now, any further announcement would be passed on to you later" p.e teacher said. You can all dismiss and carry on with sport activities" one of the teacher said. my friends came to meet me, since we weren't on the same line and all other students were rushing to go ahead and have fun. "Did you hear the announcement?" Rhea asked me. "Off course I did but just that......." Tina took the words from my mouth. "just that what?" She asked me. "Oh nothing, but just that I was wondering that what if I was paired with that idiot John or one of the CIAP boys or even worst Veronica!!" I answered Tina. "Chill girl, you won't be paired with either of them, just relax and free your mind from any unnecessary thoughts" Anita told me.

    "Are you sure?" I asked them. "Yes, infact the pairing hasn't even started and your already scared this way, what if the pairing now commence?" Tina said. "Tinaaaa!!! Don't add more fuel to the fire on ground!!" Anita told Tina. "U know what? maybe Tina is right!!" I said sadly. "Don't mind Tina okay? U know that's how she behaves!!" Anita said, facing me. "Are you for real that I should ignore Tina's statement?" I asked her. "Yes dear, besides you have us by your side and we are also going to the trip,so let's just forget about who we would be partners with and focus more on playing some table tennis and get ready for later in the day when we would go for the trip" Rhea said to me.

...........when Rhea said that they would also go on the school trip, I wanted to ask her that what if they suddenly become sick and were unable to go? But something in me just said that I shouldn't ask her that kind of question to avoid any misunderstanding of them thinking that am wishing bad for them!! But I prayed in my mind that they shouldn't be sick on that day and that nothing should stop them from not being able to come for the school trip............

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