Take 2: Frustration

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"This is too much," Wooyoung declared, his voice dripping with arrogance as he glanced at his reflection. "I look like I'm about to walk the red carpet, not sit down for a casual chat"

In his lavish walk-in closet, Wooyoung stood before a full-length mirror, his expression one of barely concealed annoyance as his stylist fussed over his outfit for the upcoming interview.

The loose white shirt she had selected accentuated his sculpted collarbones, while the matching white pants added a touch of elegance.

In Wooyoungs opinion, too much elegance.

Adorned with an array of jewelry that sparkled in the soft lighting of the closet, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel like he was overdressed.

The stylist, undeterred by Wooyoung's harsh criticism, continued to adjust his attire with practiced precision. "Trust me, Mr.Jung" she said calmly, her tone firm but reassuring. "I know what I'm doing. This look will make you stand out and leave a lasting impression."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, clearly unconvinced by her assurances. "Whatever," he muttered under his breath, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface, "I can't believe you're getting paid for this shit"

"Wooyoung", meanwhile, Mark sat next to them, skipping through his script as he scrabbled down some notes now and then, "Be nice"

"What are you even doing here, Mark? Don't you have better things to do?"

"Actually", his friend finally looked up, "No.
I don't. The drivers gonna pick you up in 10 minutes by the way"

Wooyoung flinched as he felt his stylists fingers slightly touch his hair.

He swatted her hand away with a sharp movement. "Don't touch me," he snapped, his tone cutting as he glared at her.

Poor woman was just trying to do her job.

Annoyance etched deep lines on his face as he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. "Just go," he ordered tersely, his patience wearing thin.

He then turned his attention to Mark, who remained unperturbed by the tension in the room, "And when do you plan on leaving?"

The others response was infuriatingly nonchalant. "Whenever I want to," he replied casually, his eyes still fixed on his script.

Annoying brat.

The actor let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine," he whined dramatically, irritated as he grabbed his phone and bag.

Before leaving, Wooyoung turned to Mark once more, "Lock up when you leave"

"I always do"

"You never do"


With one final glance around the apartment, Wooyoung stepped out into the hallway, his footsteps echoing in the empty space as he made his way towards where his driver would be waiting to pick him up for the interview.

As Wooyoung stepped outside his apartment building, his eyes instantly locked onto the glamorous limousine waiting for him.

It was a sight he had grown accustomed to, a symbol of his status and success in the entertainment industry.

With a lazy stride, he approached the sleek vehicle and climbed inside, sinking into the plush leather seats with a sigh of relief.

Pulling out his phone, Wooyoung idly scrolled through the endless array of YouTube videos, his finger hovering over a particular short film he had been meaning to watch for quite some time.

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