Take 4: Mocking

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"Where were you?!"

Way to be greeted.

"You've been gone for at least 20 minuets. Wooyoung this isn't some trashy insta livestream, this is an important promotion for the series!"

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes before harshly bumping into Eunwoos side as he walked past him, back towards the set.

As he nonchalantly sat back down at his assigned seat, he saw the camera man shake his head.

"What? Got something to say?", Wooyoung scoffed, locking eyes with the staff member, "Someone with your status shouldn't look down onto someone with mine"

"And what would your status be? Unimportant side character?"


Wooyoung felt a soft touch on his shoulder, stopping him from escalating the conversation.

As he looked over to his side, his eyes were met with Lee Hyun's.

"Your image, Woo", she whispered before smiling at the camera sweetly, apologizing for his behavior.

Wooyoung watched as the staff got to work again, focusing the camera, adjusting the mic and light.

Eunwoo then joined their sides again, slightly glancing at Wooyoung.

"Alright. Let's get this over with, hm?", the interviewer glanced at her questions.





"So", she started, looking like she had the greatest day of her life, "Let's look at some of the fan questions!"

Wooyoung fiddled with his fingers.

This was always the worst part.

"Alright, let's start withhh... Lee Hyun!"

Thank god.

"First question is from @Minnieme: 'Who do you think would've been a better match for your character: Joon or Sunghoo?'"

"Hmm, that's a good one", Hyun put on a cute thinking face, causing Wooyoung to smile slightly.

She really is cute.

"I get that many people would've preferred if Jia got together with Joon, since they really went through a lot together, but in the end I definitely support the directors decision of coupling her up with Sunghoo!"

"Thank you, Hyun. I hope that answers your question Minnieme! Moving on to the next one..", she flipped her paper, "For Wooyoung this time!"

Here we go.

"Coming from @markhiminyourheart: 'Have you ever thought about going to that show where they read thirst tweets?'. Ohh that's a spicy one!"

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