Take 5: Simp

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"My two favorite customers!"

"Your two only customers really.."

As San and Mingi stepped into their favorite coffee shop called "Kittys milk" (weird ass name if you ask me) they were instantly greeted by its owner.

"Touché", the tall guy smiled before glancing over at Mingi who seemed to be frozen in place.

"The usual?"

"As always"

San slightly bumped Mingis shoulder as he walked past him to sit at their usual table. The moment he sat down, he was immediately greeted by a fluffy big cat jumping in his lap.

"Well hello, Matcha"

Matcha was San's favorite cat in this shop.

She was very big, kind of too big to be honest, and had brown fluffy fur.

As he softly caressed her smooth head, he finally felt Mingi sit down next to him.

"Any news?", the black haired guy spoke behind the counter as he started to fluff up the milk for their coffee's.

"San's gay"

"Oh my god, no way!"

"That was a secret! Stawppp", San playfully hit Mingis shoulder before turning to the owner again, "But no, since we've last seen each other, aka yesterday, there's nothing new, Yunho"

Yunho nodded and took the two hot drinks before walking over to San and Mingi.

They had noticed Yunho's strained demeanor during their previous visits, but his weary smile today spoke volumes about the challenges he was facing.

That poor guy was just as broke as Mingi and San himself.

It wasn't long before the owner broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind.

"Guys, I actually need to talk to you about something," Yunho began, his voice low and serious. "The café... it's been struggling lately. I got a call this morning... If I don't come up with the money to pay my bills soon, I might have to close up shop."

Oh damn..

San's heart sank at Yunho's words, a surge of guilt washing over him.

He and Mingi had been aware of the café's financial troubles, but hearing the others fears confirmed out loud made the situation feel all the more dire.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, bro" San said, his voice heavy with sympathy. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Mingi nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed with concern. "Yeah, Yunho. I'm-...we're here for you. Whatever you need, just let us know."

Yunho's smile was weary but grateful as he shook his head. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it. But this is my responsibility as the owner. I can't expect you to bail me out of this. I wish more people would come here"

Maybe I could help-

But as he glanced down at his empty wallet, San knew that his options were limited. After all, he was just a college student struggling to make ends meet himself.

"Let's not talk about sad shit though", Yunho run one of his delicate fingers through his hair as he softly shook his head.

Mingi hastily agreed, a big smile spreading on his lips, "If you go homeless, I'll make sure to visit your street everyday!"

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