Take 8: Interest

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Wooyoung could name hundreds of words to describe the jewelry in front of him as he skipped through the boutique.

"I should get this shop closed before it causes me to lose my mind", the actor sighed as he seemed to be the only one unimpressed by the new items in stock, "Seriously who buys this shit?"

"Jennie from Blackpink was our most recent customer actually"

"Well she'll certainly be your last one if this is your guys' standard"

The actor scoffed as he watched the poor employees face twist into a mix of shock and offense at his comment, whilst Mark whispered a little apology.

"Jongho", Wooyoung turned around, "Pick out something for yourself, then we'll leave"

"Sir I-"

"I saw you taking pictures of that chain over there. Go, try it on"

Without waiting for further response, Wooyoung sat down on one of the, very uncomfortable, couches and looked around a little when something caught his eye.

Right outside of the boutique, behind the huge glass wall, hung a poster on the wall.

The exact same horrendous casting call Wooyoung had seen on his phone recently.

"Right..", the actor quickly took out his phone to open his saved files. After all few seconds he found it again:

"CASTING CALL!!! 🎬🌟 Hey guys, so like, we need some actors for this movie thingy we're doing. It's gonna be super cool. We need, like, all kinds of actors, you know? Lead roles, supporting roles, whatever!
Just come audition and we'll figure it out together. We're looking for people who can-"

"Yeah, right, absolutely no need to read through that shit again.. But where's the part where- Ah, here"

"For the leading role we need a very mature looking, muscular bad boy."

Wooyoung scoffed, "Close enough".

He had never been the first choice for the lead love interest since his appearance was rather feminine most of the time.

His body was on the slimmer side and he also didn't exactly have the bad boy typa vibe but how professional could that casting call be anyway?

After all he was THE Jung Wooyoung.

Even if his roles usually weren't as successful or important, he still had co-stars like Eunwoo, causing himself to be pretty wanted himself.

Wooyoung clicked on the link below the site which immediately sent him to a private instagram page.

"Really? That guys private? How the fuck is one supposed to apply if you have to request a follow first?"

Cshaoni / 120 follower/ follows 1230
followed by SongGi, Jonghochoi, Yuyuyujin and 3 more..

"The fuck is up with that username?-", Wooyoung stopped his thoughts as he saw the users followers. As he clicked on 'more', he immediately called over Mark who was busy checking out Jonghos new chain.

"Whats up?"

"Who's this person?", Wooyoung turned his screen over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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