Take 7: Appear

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As the shrill sound of his alarm clock pierced the early morning silence, Wooyoung groaned, burying his head deeper into his plush pillow in a feeble attempt to drown out the noise.

With a reluctant sigh, he reluctantly dragged himself out of bed, his movements sluggish and heavy with sleep.

7 a.m. The ungodly hour seemed to mock him as he stumbled across the room, his eyes half-lidded with exhaustion.

Today was the day he had set aside for a shopping spree to replenish his collection of jewelry, a task he had been putting off for far too long. But the thought of venturing out into the world at such an ungodly hour filled him with dread, his disdain for mornings as potent as ever.

Aka: 7am was too fucking early for him.

Summoning what little energy he could muster, Wooyoung reached for his phone, his fingers fumbling clumsily as he typed out a quick message to one of his maids, requesting a steaming cup of coffee to help jolt him awake.

With a sigh of relief, he hit send, hoping that the promise of caffeine would make the morning a little more bearable.

It never fucking does.

Just as he was about to retreat to his dressing room to begin the arduous task of preparing for the day ahead, a sudden shriek echoed through the room, causing him to jump in surprise.

Before he could even react, Mark stood before him, his presence very much unwelcome.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, his voice laced with annoyance as he glared at his manager.

Mark rubbed his eyes tiredly, his expression sheepish as he mumbled incoherently, "Told you I'd stay the night," he muttered, his words barely audible over the din of the morning, "Why the fuck are you naked?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes before shoving his friend to the side to enter his dressing room.

"I always sleep naked"

"Why would you do that?!"

"Because in MY bed, in MY bedroom and in MY house, I can do and wear whatever I want. Which right now", he turned around to show off his bare ass, "Is nothing"

His friend grimaced before quickly adverting his gaze to literally somewhere else in the room.

Even though Wooyoung was used to Mark being around all the time, these last few weeks have reached a new extreme level.

No matter when the actor got home to relax: Mark was already there.

Wooyoung settled into the soft chair, signaling the already waiting makeup artist to start with his look, before glancing at Mark through the mirror who sat down at his usual spot behind him.

"Seriously though, don't you wanna go home someday?", he asked.

Mark ignored him and rather answered with a different question.

"Woo, who's gonna dress you for today?"

"What do you mean? Yujin of course"

Mark remained nonchalant.

"You fired her"



"I'm gonna dress myself"

The makeup artist paused as her eyes widened slightly.

"I'm just going shopping so no need for a stylist anyway. I'm just gonna keep it simple and plain"

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