DAY TWO: March 12

273 9 128

Day after I pulled. The event has officially started.
Current crystal count: 730 😭🙏
Pulls Left: Shii he came home
Current tier placing: t5000
Todays Torture Method: Entomophobia- The fear of bugs/insects.

I will not give up. I will not play nice.
(Guess what songs I was listening to while writing this)
UPDATE: he came home 😭🙏

TW: Spiders, body gore, trypophobia, self harm

I cannot sleep.

I hear the clock ticking, the only sound in this household that breaks the deafening silence that is too loud for my ears.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

I wonder if you can hear it, too.

If you could, you'd know just how annoying it is. Though, I'm glad it isn't just quiet, quiet, quiet.

I can't tell whether I appreciate the ticking of the clock or if it makes me irritated.

Maybe both.

..Probably both.

And I hate it.

I sit up, my eyes narrowed as I sigh. My throat feels dry, I should get a drink.

Slowly, I try to slip out of bed. My bed is creaky. It makes too much noise.

I wonder if it's always been this creaky. The moment I make a slight move, the bed creaks in return.

I move again. It creaks.

We have an exchange, through actions and words. I move, and it replies back. I stop, telling it to shut up.

It's quiet.

But then I move, and the bed creaks again, annoying me.

I wish I could muffle it. I wish I could make it shut up, so it wouldn't speak ever again. I don't want to hear it. I don't need to hear it. Nobody does.

Everyone would do better without the bed's noise, I think.

But finally, I manage to stand up, and the bed stops talking. It is silent now, waiting for another movement. A little nudge, just to let it know someone is there with it, that maybe it can be useful.



I leave the loft without another word, now annoyed at the sound my feet are making as I take a step.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It's annoying.

I'm sure the bed finds it annoying, too.

Do you know how I feel, now?

I hope the floor knows how I feel, too, when it hears the bed.

I wonder if they don't like me. When I talk.

As I walk down the stairs, I see something scuttle past through the corner of my eye. I shiver.

I don't like that. It makes my skin crawl.

Now I feel like something is on me. Crawling. I brush my arm lightly, hoping for the feeling to go away. It does.

I reach the kitchen.

I will make a lot of noise when I get my water, I realize. I don't like that realization. Is there a way I can make sure it doesn't do that?

The cupboard makes a creak when I open in, much like the bed. I huff, slowly reaching for a glass cup. I make sure to avoid having the cup hit anything. That will make more noise.

Torturing Tsukasa Tenma Because His Jester 4* Didn't Come Home When I PulledWhere stories live. Discover now