DAY SEVEN: March 17

165 8 228

Current crystal count: 4845
Pulls Left: He is home 🥹🥹🙏
Current tier placing: 3722
Todays Torture Method: Normality.


Something feels different.

I do not know why.

I feel weird, strange; as if something bad is going to happen.

My mind is foggier than before.

There is not much to think about.

I just do what I know I have to do.

It has been that way ever since I woke up.


When I came to.

Do they have different meanings?


I do not think about it.

I am not allowed to.

Everything in my head is a fuzzy mess; it feels wonderful. I love this feeling.

Everyone's faces are still on me. They still look at me, staring and staring.

But I do not feel the gaze of the voices anymore.


What voices?


Nene says that there are voices I can hear. She says that they are bad, and that I must not listen to them.

She says that the voices want to hurt me. They want to lead me to a bad place, a place where everything hurts.

I do not want to hurt.

I do not want to feel that way.

Nene says that you should only be allowed to feel things that are necessary.

Emu tells me that the only feeling that should exist is happiness and joy.

Rui says feelings are fucking stupid.

When I look at him in confusion, Rui simply laughs and says I must be stupid, too, for questioning it.

Then, he slaps me across the face, and tells me to never think about it again.

I do not think about feelings again after that.

At least, I think.

I hope so.

But now, I am curious on Saki's opinion. That isn't thinking about what feelings should exist, right?

It's just asking for an opinion.

That isn't bad.


When I get home, Saki is already there, playing the piano.

It's a wonderful song, I think. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside, and dizzy.

It's hypnotizing.

I stumble over to the piano, waving at Saki with a cheeky grin. She doesn't stop playing when she turns to face me, that must be how talented she is.

"I love this song, too." Saki comments, "Doesn't it sound amazing?"

Before I even realize that I am nodding, I am already doing the action.

I nod towards Saki in response, swaying from side to side. Oh, how tired this song makes me feel.. it's wonderful.


Torturing Tsukasa Tenma Because His Jester 4* Didn't Come Home When I PulledWhere stories live. Discover now