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Todays Torture Method: Music.


Something is wrong.

Something isn't.. right.

Something is not supposed to be here.

I can feel it, but I cannot locate where or what it is. All I have is this feeling.

I look at the others. I know they are able to feel it, too.

That unsettling feeling. That metaphorical, gaping hole in ones chest that seems to grow every second they spent thinking of it.

And yet, they cannot do anything about it. And that makes it all the more worse.

Nobody knows if this is dangerous.

Nobody knows if this will bring harm to this world.

Nobody knows how it came to be, or when it came to be.

Nobody knows why it is here, or what it is here for.

Nobody knows who it is, or where it is coming from.

But everybody knows that it exists. Everybody knows that it is there.

...He is here. He is here, sleeping. We do not know who is outside, so we cannot send him back.

We do not know if sending him back will change anything.

But we do not know if keeping him here will put him in danger.

It is forming, changing. When it is here, something will happen. Something bad.

..We do not know how to fix this.

All we can do is hope. Hope that it disappears, and that everybody will stay safe.

Especially him.

I look over to the girl beside me.

"..You feel it too, right?" She whispers, looking back at me. She clutches a hand to her chest, a worried expression etched onto her face.

"Mhmm," I nod back. "I dunno what it is.. but we gotta do everything we can to keep him safe..!"

I say that, and yet, I know we cannot do anything. The girl's eyes flicker downwards; I know she knows it, too.

There is nothing we can do.

From the start, all we could have done were give hints. Hints and advice to help the others. We cannot stop these things from happening. We cannot change the story. All we can do is help as fate pulls her strings, guiding those who need it to where they need to be.

I don't think we can change this.

I don't think we can stop this.

..I'm sorry, Tsukasa-kun.













Torturing Tsukasa Tenma Because His Jester 4* Didn't Come Home When I PulledTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang