DAY EIGHT: March 18

157 9 242

Current crystal count: 4k-5k
Pulls Left: Lol he home AND homo!
Current tier placing: t4000 i think
Todays Torture Method: Discovery.

Tsukasa discovers the truth.

My body is covered in bruises, now. From when Saki hurt me.

Some of the wounds from before opened, too. I have to replace the gauze again.

I don't think the scars are healing. They don't do anything, I haven't seen anything change.

The lights keep on flickering. I don't know why. But it's in a pattern, a specific pattern. I can't help but wonder if it's just coincidence, or if it's being controlled.

It makes me feel uneasy. I get the feeling that something, someone, is trying to communicate with me.

I do not know if I should trust it.

I have to be normal, tomorrow- tomorrow, they will make me tomorrow.

I can't focus on this. I can't.





What was that?

That noise. That beeping.

It's like an irritating ringing in my ears, it repeats over and over, beepbeepbeep, beep, beep, beep, beepbeepbeep. Over and over again, a pattern.

What is this? What is this, what is this, what is this noise? I thought the voices were gone-

The lights flicker along with the beeping, in sync with one another. When I hear the beeps, the light is on.

On, off.
On, off.
On, off, beep.

I hate it. I hate this, what is this noise? I don't understand it.

I want help.


Surely, surely I can get help, right..?


Saki would get angry. She would get angry if I could not deal with this myself, surely.

To be normal is to ignore.

Ignore everything, the voices, the flickering, the beepbeepbeep beep beep beep beepbeepbeeps.

Ignore it all. Let is hurt your ears, let it irritate you, and ignore it.

Push those feelings down. Do not feel.

Don't think about the noise. Do not think.

See, see?

I'm doing it. I am doing it, it is working.

I do not feel anything.

I do not think about anything.


Blank, blank, blank, just as it should be.

I enter the washroom, hoping to escape the lights, at least. There should have been a strobe warning before the lights started to flicker, switching on and off repeatedly. Can't people get seizures from things like this?

When I enter the washroom, and close the door behind me, I let out a sigh of relief.


Until I look in the mirror.



What, what is this?

I let out a sharp gasp, my eyes wide in horror as I stare at what should have been my reflection in the mirror.

Torturing Tsukasa Tenma Because His Jester 4* Didn't Come Home When I PulledWhere stories live. Discover now