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Derrick: "We barely know anything about Luna. She's a mystery to all of us."

Asher: "True, but it's clear that she's been through a lot. The way she fights, the determination in her eyes... there's a fire burning inside her."

Jack: "She's definitely strong, both physically and mentally. But she's also carrying a heavy burden, one that we don't fully understand."

Adrian: "We need to earn her trust, to show her that we're here to support her, not to judge or control her."

Derrick: "Agreed. We need to take the time to get to know her, to understand what makes her tick."

Asher: "And in the meantime, we need to watch out for her. She may be strong, but even the strongest among us need help sometimes."

Jack: "We'll be there for her, every step of the way. No matter what challenges lie ahead."

Adrian: "Together, we can help her face whatever demons she's battling. And maybe, in time, she'll come to see us as more than just strangers."

Derrick: "Maybe this is our chance to unite the packs. Luna's presence seems to have brought us all together, despite our differences."

Asher: "It's true. We've all come together to fight alongside her, to protect each other. Maybe that's a sign that we're stronger together."

Jack: "But uniting the packs won't be easy. There's a lot of history and animosity between us."

Adrian: "True, but if we can find a way to set aside our differences and work together, we could be unstoppable."

Derrick: "We need to find a common goal, something that we can all rally behind."

Asher: "And what better goal than protecting our territory from threats like the ghouls?"

Jack: "It's worth a shot. But we'll need to tread carefully, to earn the trust of the other packs."

Adrian: "Agreed. But if we can pull it off, imagine the strength we'll have as a united front."

Derrick: "It won't be easy, but I believe we can do it. Together, we're stronger."

Derrick: "We need answers. These ghouls... they're not something you see every day. Where did they come from?"

Asher: "I've heard stories of creatures like them, but I never thought I'd see them with my own eyes. It's like something out of a nightmare."

Jack: "They didn't just appear out of thin air. Someone or something must have summoned them."

Adrian: "But who? And why? What could anyone possibly gain from unleashing such horrors upon our territory?"

Derrick: "We need to find out. We can't let whoever's behind this go unpunished."

Asher: "Agreed. But we can't do it alone. We'll need to unite the packs, to stand together against this common threat."

Jack: "Easier said than done. The packs have always been divided, each one looking out for its own interests."

Adrian: "But maybe this is the opportunity we've been waiting for. A chance to put aside our differences and come together as one."

Derrick: "It won't be easy, but it's our best chance at stopping whatever dark forces are at work here."

Asher: "Then let's not waste any time. We need to reach out to the other alphas, to convince them to join forces with us."

Jack: "And if they refuse?"

Adrian: "Then we'll have to find a way to convince them. Because if we don't stand united, we'll stand no chance against whatever darkness is lurking out there."

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