Chapter 6

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 Currently, it was nearing 10:00 p.m. I hear sirens wailing throughout the castle as I make my way upstairs to my bed—that familiar sound that indicates danger. I hurried into my room and looked out the window. With a loud thud, a gigantic ship with flapping sails whispering tales of vengeance arrived. A person descended, appearing with intent. I change out of my gown fast and head downstairs. Cedric clings to me; he senses the fear that is building inside of me like a building storm, growing every second like a distant thunderclap. "Its fucking Damien" I hear Cedric utter. That's a name I recognize. It must be Marcus' closest buddy, who fought side by side with him in war, much like Lysandra did. The air around the castle stirred with an eerie tension as the night unfolded, as shadows gathered on the property. A distant murmur echoed through the darkness, growing steadily louder like a growing explosion. Before long, the menacing rhythm of footsteps echoed around the courtyard, and the massive castle doors quivered under the approach of Damien's crew. The night seemed to hold its breath as the silhouettes of figures emerged, cloaked in shadows and driven by malicious purposes. "Run" Cedric says to me. "What?" I say, shocked. "RUN! GO HIDE!" he screams at me. I shuddered at his yell and ran upstairs. I run into my room and lock myself in, pushing my dresser in front of it with all my might. I look outside and see Cedric walking out, "Damien, nice to see you again." he says. "You as well, Cedric." he says with an ominous tone that appeared to suggest evil, Damien's voice glided across the atmosphere. Every syllable oozed a dark undertone, as though the tone itself revealed the secrets of darkness. A frightening symphony of evil, the voice bounced with planned brutality, leaving a disturbing impression on anybody who dared to listen. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Cedric says. I see Lysandra behind a tree, bow and arrow in hand. "To avenge Marcus!" Damien screams out before attempting to stab Cedric. Cedric dodged it, like he knew he was going to do that. I see Lysandra pull back the arrow, "Just like I taught you, Lys" I whisper to myself. She shot him directly in the back. Damien quickly turns around, and yells, "Go get her!" to his people, they all chased after her, but she jumped onto Astral. I knew I needed help. I pull out as many arrows as I could. I hurried downstairs, pushing my dresser out of the way of the door. At the foot of the steps stood Gareth. More than everyone else, he seemed terrified. I blew by him. "Elara! No!" His scream reached my ears as I dashed out the back door. I jumped on top of Aurelia and pursued Lysandra. I had to save her. She had to have been followed by at least fifteen people. Lysandra might not live, but Cedric might. I shot as many of the men as I could with my arrows after catching up to them. Those that I was unable to reach turned around to assist their buddies. "Lys" I screamed. She looks at me and exclaims, "El!" "Come on, Cedric needs our help." I say. After we circled back around, we returned to the castle. We stayed out of sight behind a tree and watched Cedric and Damien argue angrily. "That castle belonged to Marcus!" Damien bellowed. We saw that the arrow in his back had been removed and had already been repaired. We looked around, realizing that someone had to be here because he couldn't have done that to himself alone. We looked to our side, and there he was. We knew it. It was Malachai. Although Lys called him Kai. Shockingly, she dated him before she realized she was exclusively into girls. He hated her after they broke up, as she apparently "ruined his life" or something of that sort. She told me that a few days ago, what a coincidence. "Oh, what a pleasure it is to see you here, Mal." Lysandra says. I smile. "Lovely to see you too, Lysa." Lysandra rolls her eyes, she hates that nickname. "So, to what do i owe this pleasure?" Lys asks. A sly smile that was drenched in evilness spread across his face as he let out a demonic laugh that echoed throughout the woods. Those unlucky enough to hear it felt their spines tingle as the sound seemed to reach into every crack like black tentacles. "Oh, I'm only here to reclaim Cedric's little, tiny castle. Maybe perhaps this one too," he remarks. My spine tingled at the way he talked. It was unlike any voice I had ever heard. "Like hell you will" Says Lysandra. "Lyra, go fuck yourself." Cedric must've heard that, as I heard him yell at Damien "If you don't get Malachai, your little pal, situated over there. I will. "Flynn, over here," says Damien, turning his head. Flynn was his last name. He sighs and walks over. I grinned as I turned to face Lysandra. I trail behind Lys as she approaches Cedric's side. Damien gave us a perplexed expression. "How did you manage to escape that? I sent numerous people to go after you." Damien says, looking at Lysandra "It turns out that I will be saved by true friends." She looks at me and says, grinning. "Who the fuck are you?" asks Damien, glancing at me after learning I'm new. "The wife of Cedric. I say, "Why does it matter anyway?" Appearing to gag, he chokes and asks, "Did I just hear you say wife?" and "Who would ever want to marry him?" I chuckle, astonished at his self-assurance and arrogance. "I do." I say, and "Now, What the hell are you doing here?" He gives an eye roll. "I'm here to declare war on you and to tell your husband so. You've got a week to get ready. I intend to arrive on July 17. He warns, "Be ready for your castle to disappear from under you." He walks with Malachai back to his ship after turning around. Some of his soldiers are carrying bodies as they pursue him. My eyes meet Cedric's. "What a pussy. We would be fighting right now if he was ready for combat." I state. He started to look pale, and then all of a sudden, he collapsed. I caught him, Lysandra assisted me in lowering him to the ground. He went unconscious. "Go get Evelyn!" I shout to Lysandra. Evelyn is the castle nurse. She stands up and runs. I check his pulse. His heart was beating, in fact, it was racing. Evelyn bolts out . He awakens, startled. He was attempting to move away from us while sweating. "Ced. Ced. It's alright," I say. "It is likely that he experienced a flashback and fainted due to fear. He's done it before." Says Lysandra. Evelyn overhears her mention that. She says, "It's probably a vasovagal response." With our assistance, he slowly gets up after realising he is safe. "Are you okay?" I inquire. He gives a nod. "Yeah, i think so" We made our way upstairs. "We can talk about things tomorrow. You should go to bed right now." I say . With a nod, he carefully settles into his bed. I give him a kiss on his head. "I'll see you tomorrow, husband," I grinned. He grinned in return.  

Castle Of Secrets - Arranged Marriage LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang