Chapter 14

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Cedric calls us together for an important meeting, bringing me back to the present moment while Izzy's departure leaves me with a bittersweet sensation in my heart. I assemble in the main room with my closest friends with a sense of purpose, their presence a comforting reminder of the strength we draw from one another. Gareth is the first to speak, describing our defences' weaknesses in a voice which is heavy with concern. "We need to fortify the outer walls," He is adamant, and his voice is quite convincing. "Damien's forces will exploit any weaknesses they find." Lysandra gives a passionate nod, indicating her agreement. "It would be a good idea for us to gather more supplies as well," she says, glancing at me. "With Damien's return imminent, we can't afford to be caught unprepared." Cedric takes control of the conversation, his jaw set firmly. "Agreed," he says in a voice that demands attention. "But we also need to think about our offensive potential. We need to be aggressive in our defence rather than just waiting for Damien to strike." With a determined look in her eyes, Selena nods silently in agreement. She says, "We have allies in neighbouring kingdoms." "We need to ask for assistance from them." A feeling of pride fills me as I hear the voices of my allies; it serves as a reminder of the resilience and determination that unites us. "Thank you, everyone," I say, my voice firm and powerful. "Let's go to work. Though the days ahead may be unclear, working together, we can weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side."

Cedric finds me amid all the activity of getting ready for the war as the sun sets over the castle courtyard in a golden glow. My mind is whirling with thoughts of the challenging task that lies ahead as I work hard to organize supplies. "Elara," Cedric's voice breaks through the chaos, his eyes locking onto mine with a warmth that sets my heart aflutter. With a soft smile, he approaches, his presence enveloping me in a comforting embrace. "Elara," he says in a tone that is both soft and urgent at the same time. "I have a question for you." I look up at him, heart pounding a little at the sincerity in his gaze. "What is it?" I ask, my interest piqued. Cedric grabs hold of my hands and rubs them, giving me an adrenaline rush. His eyes never straying from mine as he says, "I have been invited to meet with the kings of the neighbouring kingdoms." "They have the power to aid us in our time of need, to provide reinforcements for our forces and supplies for the war effort. Would you wish to join me?" His comments cause a wave of warmth to rush through my chest; it makes me realize how much he enjoys having me around, and it makes me feel so happy I can barely control it. I look into his eyes and say, "I would be honoured to accompany you," my voice hardly audible above a whisper. Cedric embraces me tightly, as though he never wants to let go, and a beaming smile lights up his face. He whispers, "Together, we are going on this trip," his breath warm against my ear. "And with you by my side, I know we can face whatever challenges may come our way." I feel a wave of satisfaction come over me as we stand there in the last of the daylight, knowing that no matter where our adventure takes us, if Cedric is at my side, I am right where I belong. 

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