Chapter 8

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The next few days were filled with stress, except for our sleep. We were anxious about the upcoming days. At last, July 17th, that fateful day, arrived. We prepared for the critical day of war that was about to start by getting up early. The sun had just risen when we heard a ship approaching as we were gathering the rest of our things. We all turned to face each other. I look up and say to Cedric, "It'll be okay." attempting to comfort him. He gives a nod. The atmosphere is tense as Cedric and I head outside to meet Damien. The weight of war hangs over us like a dark cloud. Every step is weighted with expectation, and every breath is taken with dread. The courtyard, which was previously an area of peace and tranquilly, is suddenly charged with Damien's ominous threat. The sounds of distant armour clinking and swords being pulled break the eerie calm, serving as a sobering reminder of the approaching combat that is just around the corner. As he meets our gaze with a fierce stare, there is a very clear sense of anticipation in the air, as if the atmosphere is cracking with the energy of impending conflict. His expression is stern and unwavering; it shows no signs of uncertainty or reluctance. There's no denying his physical readiness for battle at this moment. His determination is as unshakable as the iron encasing him, every inch of his being dedicated to the inevitable encounter. Given the seriousness of the circumstances we find ourselves in, he is a strong opponent. "Ready for war?" he asks. The tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine. Cedric nods, "More ready than I'll ever be." He says. Suddenly he starts running, and our plan begins. We get into position and begin fighting. I had never experienced anything like this before. I had injured and killed more people in one day then I could have imagined. I had never once felt like this before. It felt like a dream, almost a nightmare. I hadn't wanted this, nor had Cedric, but we both knew there was no way out of it.  

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