Chapter 11

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Cedric had called for a ceasefire. Damien agreed, but only for a few days. When he called for this, all of us joined Cedric, including Selena. Damien's demeanour darkens as he looks at Selena, a storm of hatred building behind his disconnected, cold eyes. His rage is bearing down on us like a thick blanket, and the tension in the air seems to be crackling with it. Selena, on the other hand, shudders involuntarily, her body tensed with fear as she looks up into Damien's eyes with a mix of nervousness and anger. She is obviously aware of the danger she is in right now, given the depths of Damien's rage and his need for vengeance, as seen by the way her hands shake and her voice wavers. The silence that follows is almost unbearable, the force of Damien's fury radiating off him, a heaviness that feels like it may crush us under its weight. When he does speak, it's in a deep, frightening growl that sends shivers down my spine as he precisely delivers his decision for a ceasefire. Selena sees the reality of Damien's anger as a harsh reminder of how unstable things are and that her choice to betray him came at a high price. It's hard to feel anything but pity for her as she stands before him, her shoulders slumped in submission and her gaze averted—a sympathy that is tempered by the awareness that she is now at the mercy of a man whose brutality knows no bounds. I am filled with love for Cedric as he approaches Damien, his voice booming with unwavering determination, even as my heart thumps with fear for what could happen next. Lysandra and Gareth, standing next to me, look at each other thoughtfully, a subtle agreement moving between us as we prepare for the impending encounter. Selena, In the meantime, is quivering in front of Damien, her anxiety evident as she tries to keep her cool in the face of his fury. With a rooted feeling of worry, she clenches and unclenches her hands at her sides and breathes in tiny, ragged gasps as she awaits his verdict. Observing Selena's anxiousness, Lysandra moves near, speaking in a soothing and composed tone while gently touching Selena's shoulder with her hand. Her calm words, "It's going to be okay," act as a comforting cure against the roaring storm of emotions in Selena's heart. "We're here for you, no matter what happens." Gareth adds his voice to Lysandra's and nods in accord, his face one of unrelenting support. "You're not alone, Selena," he replies in a stern yet sympathetic voice. "We'll get through this together, I promise." I come forward to stand by Selena's side, giving her a comforting smile as I do so. "You're strong, Selena," I tell her, maintaining a calm tone despite the internal distress I'm experiencing. "Don't let him intimidate you. We're here to assist you, in every step of the way" The four of us stand as one against Damien's tyranny; our unity is a ray of hope in the darkness that threatens to swallow us. And I know that no matter what comes next, we will confront it together, unified in our drive to defend what is right. Damien allowed for a one-week ceasefire. "We'll be back, September 3rd." He says. I look at him, clear shock over my face, as i think to myself "how is it already August 27th?" He leaves in his ship, which shockingly hasn't been touched one bit. A thick silence descends over the world as Damien's retreating figure vanishes into the distance, His departure brings a temporary rest, but it is overshadowed by the certainty that he will return, his rage is still there and his need for vengeance is still needed for him. The thrill of battle fades away to bone-deep exhaustion that feels like it could swallow me whole. I can feel the weight of weakness bearing down on me like a dark cloak. The last few weeks have been an unrelenting bombardment of anxiety and doubt, with every second that has passed seeming like I could die. Lysandra and Gareth exchange a tired look, their faces reflecting my own unease. We are aware that our victory is temporary, and that Damien will return stronger than before, driven by his unquenchable desire for vengeance. There is, however, a glint of determination amid the anxiety and exhaustion—a persistent unwillingness to give up in the face of impossible challenges. Despite our exhaustion, bruises, and bumps, we remain unbeaten. We will take use of this little window of opportunity to strengthen our defences, brace ourselves for the impending restart of war, and get ready for Damien's inevitable return. The fact that Damien will soon return makes us aware of the difficulties that lay ahead as we make our way back to the castle. However, despite our fears and uncertainties, we are united by a feeling of solidarity that serves as a constant reminder that our strength is greater when shared than when it is alone.

We prepare ourselves accordingly for the days ahead, aware that the road ahead is paved with uncertainty and risk. However, we take it head-on, courage in our hearts, and hope in our souls, ready to persevere through any difficulties that may arise. With the gentle glow of the candles cast over us, we lie side by side on our bed. My mind are racing, yet Cedric's arms surround me in a protective embrace, his presence serving as an anchor. As he breathes, I can feel his chest rise and fall steadily, a soothing timing that calms the pounding in my own heart. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat, a steady beat that reverberates through the silence of the night. I discover the peace that I've been longing for—a break from the anxieties and fears that consume my thoughts—in Cedric's embrace. I feel a wave of warmth and happiness as sleep starts to take hold of me, a feeling of protection and security that I have grown to love in Cedric's arms. And as I fall asleep, I know that Cedric will always be by my side—my safeguard, my rock, and my haven in the event of a storm—and that I will be able to handle any problems that may arise.    

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