Chapter 10

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I am separated away from the main war as the battle rages around us and take cover behind a collapsing stone structure. The emptiness all around me is amplified by the eerie sound of distant sword clashes and agonizing cries. I see movement in the low light coming in through a cracked window; a woman is coming out of the shadows, her silhouette lit by the flickering torches nearby. My hand moves automatically to my sword, but even as she approaches, there's no sign of anger in her demeanour. Her name is Selena, a warrior from the opposing side, and to put it mildly, it's surprising to see her here. At first, I feel suspicious, and my body is filled with mistrust, but as she continues, her voice trembles with fear and desperation, I begin to sense vulnerability beneath her tough exterior. The story of Selena is one of loyalty betrayed, and the crushing weight of emotional uncertainty. It is woven together like a tapestry of sadness and disappointment. She talks about her early devotion to Damien, about how her heart once blazed with passion for his cause, and about how she gradually came to realize the reality of his control and cruelty. When she describes her journey, her words strike a chord with me because of their raw honesty, which replaces any suspicion with empathy. I notice the glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes, the glimmer of hope that maybe, in the middle of all the chaos of war, there is still a chance for redemption. However, earning someone's trust is difficult, particularly in these difficult circumstances. I carefully consider what she said, looking for any sign of dishonesty or an ulterior motive. But when I look into Selena's eyes, all I see is genuineness—that flame of humanity that exists within each and every one of us, regardless of belief or devotion. Ultimately, my decision is not driven solely by blind trust, but rather by a leap of faith rooted in the fact that we are all human. I reach out to Selena, giving her the opportunity for redemption and a fresh start as a show of support against hardship and proof that change is possible even in the most hopeless circumstances. She took my hand, a smile of hope washing over her once distressed face. Eventually, over the next few days, she was introduced to the team, and I notice that Lysandra's eyes sparkle whenever Selena is around, and I quickly realize that maybe Lysandra wants more than just friendship with Selena.

I've noticed that Lysandra has changed in the peaceful times in between battles; there's a subtle difference in her manner that suggests something more than just friendship between her and Selena. It's in the way her eyes brighten with recognition the moment Selena walks into the room—a gesture that says a thousand words without saying a word. I initially wrote it off as just friendship, a bond made from the heights of a war. But as time goes on, I can't help but notice how Lysandra appears to be able to make Selena grin more when she looks at her, and how her smile seems to brighten in her company. Her expression has a softness to it, a vulnerability that she attempts to hide from my prying eyes but can't quite manage. It's in the small things, like the gentle way their hands glide past one another and the way Lysandra's voice softens a bit when she speaks to Selena. Even though Lysandra makes an effort to hide her emotions from others, these small actions reveal a great deal about how deeply she feels. And then one day it happens, a brief, breath-taking moment of closeness between them. I notice how Lysandra's eyes stay on Selena's lips and how her fingers shake as they try to remove a strand of hair from her face. She can no longer deny the reality, no matter how hard she tries, and I see it mirrored in her eyes at that very moment, And even though I might not completely comprehend the depth of her emotions, I promise to be there for her, supporting her as she works through the difficulties of love during a time of war.  

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