Part 7

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Btw I edited the chapters before this one because I didn't like them.♡♡♡

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After the meeting, you were transferred from the meeting room to a bedroom with little to no furniture in it. The doors and walls were also made up entirely out of metal to prevent you from escaping.

Your body was dragged and placed in the room. You shortly wake up to loud banging on the metal door. A loud voice boomed into the room, echoing off the metal walls, giving you a headache.

Still groggy, you simply drag your legs off the bed that was too small for you, your head hitting the metal wall behind you in the process. You slightly rubbed the bump forming on your head, giving up and flopping back on the bed. Your arms extended outwards as you felt the cold metal wall to your left, contemplating why and how you got here.

You finally gave into the screams from the door to get up, and you finally did so your legs lazily moving on the cold metal floor. The screaming stopped, and you were left alone walking over to the mirror and sink left in your room. You stared at yourself for a bit, analyzing the messed up state that you were in, then you lazily looked away, your eyes wandering around the room pinpointing where everything was.

Your bed was in the far corner. There were no pillows, Instead, there was a thin blanket with blood stains all over it, the mattress was thin, it was about the height of a quarter placed upright, and there was no bed frame the bed sitting on the floor. As you looked away from the bed, your eyes caught sight of a wardrobe made out of wood that had been polished it wasn't perfect, though there were deep scratches engraving into the wood spelling out incoherent nonsense.

When you wandered over to the wardrobe and opened it, there was one pair of clothes that was it, and there were some spider webs. When you looked around again, you spotted the sink and mirror again. The mirror was slightly broken and scratched in a corner. There was also some stuff engraved into the mirror. You couldn't read it, though the words were too scrambled to make anything out of it.

On the metal sink, there was half a bar of soap and a toothbrush and drug store toothpaste that was travel sized. That was it. There were no windows, and your only light source came from the one light in the ceiling that had metal bars around it to keep you from messing with it.

As you were styling your hair in the mirror, there was another bang at the door, and then a slot opened, and a single apple was dropped in the slot quickly closing after this you stared at the apple slowly ripping the skin off with your nails giving the apple eyes and a face you stared at it for a bit then decided to eat the apple.

Day after day, this was how life was for you. There were the occasional questions that blasted through the speakers, but you never responded. You just stared at yourself in the mirror till you started hallucinating.

But one day, the door opened, you were laying immobile on the bed, your eyes moving to the people who were now entering your cell. It was America and another country that you couldn't remember. Your memory was slowly fading the longer you were in your cell, and your nails were longer and sharper, you shapening them in your free time. Your ribs were showing because of the lack of food you were given, and your hair was much longer going down to your knees.

America hadn't seen you since you entered the cell that was set for you. He was surprised by your appearance, not knowing it was you for a second.

He was currently trying to negotiate with NATO about allowing you to come with him to the country meeting. Telling him tails about you when you were imprisoned and when you were free. "Did you know that I once thought that she was dead because she never talked or made a sound?" "No why don't you tell me more." "Well, she's so quiet. I normally ask her about the location where she had hidden my soldiers, but she never said anything she never made a sound, either it was if she had died, but once I heard from my solders that she started speaking to herself about complete nonsense and that was how I knew she wasn't dead yet." "NATO looked slightly disturbed at the description but didn't say anything." "While it looks like we are here." That was how America had arrived in your room.

You slowly moved your body forwards hunching over slightly as you got up you making eye contact with the people that entered your cell as you dragged yourself to the mirror, ignoring them.

They started talking ;you not understanding any of it at all it just sounded like jiberish. When America started addressing you and you didn't respond, he was confused.

So he walked over to you and looked at what he thought you were looking at. "It seems she doesn't understand English anymore. How long exactly did you have her locked up in here, America?" "Just about 70 years, not a lot of time." "America did you ever talk to her, or was she just here alone with her thoughts." "Not really just asked that question over the speakers, and when she didn't respond, I would give up." "That explains it anyways I will allow you to bring her to the country meeting, but make sure that she looks presentable. we don't want the others to think you are harboring prisoners." "Okay thank you. I'll do what you instructed."

With that, America and the other left you alone yet again...

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