caretaker (dcc)

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Destiny threw her bag on her floor before knocking on her big sister's door to see she wasn't there. She rolled her eyes in frustration and walked swiftly to her brother's room, hoping to find some answers. As she entered the room, she was taken aback by the sight before her. Her heart sank as she saw her mom lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.

"Mama!" Destiny exclaimed, rushing over to her mother's side. Panic filled her voice as she desperately tried to wake her up. Gently, she helped her mom sit up, supporting her weakened body. Worry and concern etched across her face, Destiny searched for any signs of what might have happened.

Every since everything happened, nothing's been the same. Jay sadly died from the bullet hitting his heart. Nikki started acting out as a way to cope with her overwhelming grief. She began engaging in reckless behavior, pushing away those who cared about her.

Dorinda couldn't bear the weight of the tragedy. The loss of Jay silenced her voice completely, as if her ability to speak vanished along with him. Consumed by her sorrow, Dorinda slowly started starving herself, finding solace in the control she had over her own body. Day by day, her weight dropped, and she became nothing but a fragile, ghostly figure, weighing a mere 75 pounds at one point.

Through it all, Destiny carried the weight of everyone's pain, resting heavily on her shoulders.

"Mama, have you even eaten anything?" Destiny asked, concern lacing her voice as she helped her mother into the room. Dorinda remained silent, her face etched with exhaustion and pain. Destiny sighed, her worry deepening. "Mama, you have to say something," she implored, hoping for any sign of acknowledgement.

Still met with silence, Destiny gently guided Dorinda towards her (Dorinda's) bedroom and on the bed, carefully supporting her weakened body. With great tenderness, Destiny helped her mother undress, mindful of her mother's discomfort. As she filled the tub with warm water, Destiny's heart ached at the sight of her mother's frailty.

Once the bath was ready, Destiny assisted Dorinda into the tub, ensuring her mother's safety and comfort. She fetched a soft wash cloth and began gently bathing her, the warm water soothing Dorinda's tired muscles. Although Destiny longed for her mother's voice, she understood that sometimes actions spoke louder than words.

As the water enveloped Dorinda, Destiny's love and care enveloped her as well. The room filled with a sense of quiet understanding and unspoken support. Destiny knew that her mother's silence was not a reflection of her love, but rather a reflection of her pain and exhaustion.

With each gentle stroke of the wash cloth, Destiny could feel the tension leaving her mother's body. It was a small act of kindness, but it spoke volumes of the love and devotion she felt towards her mother. The warm water cascaded down Dorinda's back, washing away the physical and emotional weariness that had burdened her for so long.

Destiny's heart ached at the thought of her mother's silent suffering. She wished she could take away all her pain and replace it with happiness and peace. But for now, all she could do was be there for her, offering comfort and solace in the simplest of gestures.

Destiny held back her tears as she observed Dorinda, who appeared lifeless. "Mama, come on," Destiny said softly, her voice filled with concern. She slowly got up and extended her hand to help Dorinda out of the tub. Gently, Destiny dried Dorinda's body, ensuring to be delicate and comforting in her touch. Once Dorinda was dry, she reached for her deodorant and applied it. Destiny then guided Dorinda to her favorite chair and tenderly detangled her hair, ensuring not to cause any discomfort. With gentle hands, she carefully braided Dorinda's hair back, hoping to bring her some comfort and a sense of normalcy.

As Destiny continued her actions, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sadness. Dorinda was usually vibrant and full of life, but lately, she had been battling with a deep sorrow that seemed to consume her. Destiny longed for her mother to find solace and happiness once again.

After finishing the braid, Destiny took a step back to admire her work. Although Dorinda's spirit seemed diminished, her hair now looked neat and cared for. Destiny hoped that this small act of love and attention would bring some comfort to her mother.

"Mama, you look beautiful," Destiny said with a soft smile. Tears filled Dorinda's eyes as she heard those words, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. She mouthed a heartfelt "thank you" to her daughter, unable to find her voice in that moment.

Destiny, seeing her mother's tears, felt a mixture of joy and sadness. It had been ten long years since Dorinda had uttered a single word. Her voice had been silenced by a traumatic incident that had left her emotionally scarred.

But today, as Destiny complimented her appearance, a glimmer of hope shone through the tears. It was as if the walls that had trapped Dorinda's voice for so long were beginning to crumble, revealing a flicker of her former self.

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Destiny's own tears began to flow. She couldn't contain the happiness and relief that flooded her heart. This simple exchange of words, though filled with unspoken pain, marked a significant milestone in their journey.

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