didn't we almost have it all (dcc)

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"WE COULD'VE BEEN A HAPPY FAMILY," Bailey yelled angrily, "BUT YOU.." Bailey said, pointing the bat towards her father Greg, "you just had to fuck everything up. YOU DIDN'T PROTECT US...you didn't protect me," Bailey said, her voice cracking. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to contain the flood of emotions that had been building up inside her for years. Greg looked at his daughter with a mixture of regret and sadness, realizing the pain and disappointment he had caused. "Bailey, I'm so sorry," he whispered, reaching out to her.  

But Bailey pulled away, unable to forgive him for the past betrayals that had shattered their family. The tension in the room was palpable as the weight of years of hurt and resentment hung heavy in the air. The possibility of reconciliation seemed distant as Bailey stood there, holding onto the bat as if it were the only thing keeping her from crumbling completely. 

"Baby, put the bat down," Dorinda whispered, trying to get the bat. "We could've been a happy family," Bailey sobbed, dropping the bat and collapsing into Dorinda's arms. Greg stood there, guilt written all over his face, realizing the pain he had caused his family. The room fell silent as they all processed the weight of their brokenness.

flashback to when this chaos started

Bailey ate her cereal, trying to ignore her parents arguing. She heard the door open and slam, and minutes later she saw her mom, Dorinda, walk into the kitchen. Bailey pulled her into a hug, feeling the tension in her mom's body melt away as they embraced.  

Dorinda sighed and buried her face in Bailey's shoulder, grateful for the comfort her daughter provided. "I'm sorry you had to hear all that, sweetie," Dorinda whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Bailey held her mom tighter, silently promising to always be there for her no matter what. The two stood in the kitchen, wrapped in each other's arms, finding solace in their unbreakable bond.

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