Betrayal (ksk)

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Jordan ran out of the bank and got into the truck. Then he threw the money into the back. Kierra drove to their secret hideout before the cops got to the bank and She kissed him. "That was our best one yet," Jordan said as they went into the house holding the bags of money.
"Yeah," Kierra said, a sly smile on her face. They counted the money and celebrated their successful heist, feeling the rush of adrenaline and the thrill of getting away with it once again. They knew they were living on the edge, but it was a life they had chosen together.

And as they sat counting the cash, they knew they were unstoppable. Their partnership was strong, their skills undeniable, and their love for each other only grew stronger with each successful job. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, taking what they wanted and living life on their own terms. And as they looked out at the city below from their hideout, they knew they were untouchable.

"I don't wanna do this forever plus we're going to have twins soon and already have Jacob," Kierra said. "I know, but just a few more banks and we're done," Jordan replied. "And we can go back to Detroit," she said, smiling. "No," he said sternly. "But I want to go back to my family," she whined, which Jordan hated. "Just Shut up and count the money," he said.

"No, I'm going back to my family whether you like it or not," Kierra said as she grabbed her bag. But before she could fully walk out the door, she heard a gun shot. She froze, then looked down to see blood spilling out of her stomach. She looked at Jordan in tears.

Jordan's expression was cold and calculating as he watched Kierra fall to the ground. He had warned her not to cross him, but she had refused to listen. Now, she was paying the ultimate price for her defiance.

As Kierra lay on the floor, fighting for her life, she realized that she had made a grave mistake in trusting Jordan. She had been blinded by his charm and promises of a better life, but now she saw him for what he truly was - a ruthless criminal with no regard for human life.

As her vision began to blur and her strength faded, Kierra whispered a prayer for her family. She hoped that they would find peace and happiness without her, and that they would never have to face the same fate she had met at the hands of Jordan.

And with that final thought, Kierra closed her eyes and let herself succumb to the darkness that enveloped her. The sounds of sirens in the distance were faint as she slipped away, leaving behind the pain and suffering that had consumed her. She was free now, free from the clutches of the man who had deceived her and free to finally rest in peace.

20 years later

Jordan walks into his mansion and he goes to the living room and instantly stopped when he saw someone he thought he killed. "Kierra," Jordan said, "in the flesh." Kierra said, "I killed you." Jordan said, "Yeah, you did, but I'm still here. You betrayed me by killing me and our babies when I was done with your bullshit, so now I'm here to get my revenge," she said, and Jordan saw the gun.

As Jordan's eyes widened in fear, he knew he had to think fast. Jordan's heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He never thought he would see Kierra again, let alone be faced with her wrath. Kierra's eyes were filled with a fierce determination, and he knew she was not bluffing. He tried to reason with her, to explain that he had changed and begged for forgiveness, but Kierra's mind was set on revenge.

With a trembling hand, Jordan slowly raised his hands in surrender. He could see the rage in Kierra's eyes as she aimed the gun at him. In that moment, he knew that he had made a grave mistake in underestimating her. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room, and Jordan's world went dark.

As the darkness consumed him, Jordan realized that he had paid the ultimate price for his betrayal. last thoughts were filled with regret and sorrow, knowing that he had lost everything because of his own actions. And as hisLife slipped away, he knew that he had himself to blame. Kierra dropped the gun and started silently sobbing. She finally got her revenge, but she felt guilty. Yes, she was a criminal who helped him rob hundreds of banks, but she had a big heart. And although Jordan tried to kill her, she still had love for him.

As she stood there, tears streaming down her face, she couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. She had wanted justice, but now that it was done, she couldn't shake the feeling of remorse. Kierra knew that in the end, her actions had consequences, and she would have to live with the weight of what she had done.

Despite everything, a part of her still cared for Jordan. She remembered the good times they had shared, the laughs and the adventures. But those moments were overshadowed by the pain and betrayal. Kierra knew that she had to let go of the past and move forward, carrying the burden of her choices with her.

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