Chapter 1 - Don't Look Up

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"What, now you decide to go quiet on us?" Moldy called out to the sky. The rest of the contestants were all gathered together, talking over each other, freaking out about Airy's second disappearance.

Whippy Creamy held a hand to his head, leaning over slightly. "Ohhh no, not again."

Scenty looked around for anyone listening, "How long has it been?"

"It has to be, like, a day and half now, right?" Atom asked.

Their conversation trailed off when they heard soft footsteps behind them. Scenty turned to see Tray approaching them, carrying a worried look on her face.

"Hey guys... what's up?"

Scenty stepped closer to her, "Tray, you're back?" She'd expected her to be closed off for at least a few more days. With how everyone's morale had been after their last call-to-action failed, she expected everyone to go back to their object form. Despite what she thought, Subway Seat never did, and Whippy Creamy admitted to feeling bad about staying away from the group for too long, leaving Tray to be the last one to come out.

She rubbed her arm, replying, "Yeah, I-I just needed some time." Despite her tense look, she had a small smile on her face.

"Well, it's nice to have you back." She smiled back.

Tray joined her side, peering at the sky. "What happened?"

"It seems as if Airy has nothing left to say." Soda Bottle grumbled, crossing his arms. "What is it this time, huh, Airy?!" He threw his arms to the sky. When he did, he noticed something was missing from the unchanging sky. He squinted, his eyes widened at something. Scenty tried to figure out what it was, but saw nothing.

Aside from that, there was not a sound from Airy. No music, no nothing.

Moldy scoffed. "Typical."

She looked toward the pile of sand before storming off in the opposite direction. Some others followed suit, except for Scenty, Soda Bottle, and Tray.

Scenty looked toward Tray, who was standing next to her still, glancing over at her as if she wanted to say something. With the rest of their team gone, they only had each other to lean on for the most part.

"How are you doing, Scenty?" Tray asked, her smile more strained than ever before, Scenty knew she was trying to remain optimistic.

Despite her knowing this, the question still caught her off-guard. "How am I holding up?" She paused, "Just as well as everyone else here."

She searched for the others, ignoring Tray's frown. As for everyone else, they were scattered about now. She couldn't even see all of them with where she was. It was probably for the best. What more could she say at a time like this? She hadn't been able to say many encouraging things these past few days. Her mind was clouded anyway. With their failure to achieve anything near the plug, and now Airy's disappearance... again, she needed space. She hardly noticed Tray still following her, trying to get her attention. As she passed Soda Bottle, she barely heard him mumble, "The sun's gone."

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