Chapter 2 - Sands of Time

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Backpack had spent several minutes explaining what happened the past few days in Airy's dimension. Along the way, he answered questions. Though, he couldn't manage to get to every little detail when explaining.

"...When I woke up, I went to go find him, but all that was left was a part of his head stuck in the sand."

The contestants, now gathered in a circle, all glanced over at each other, appearing nervous now. Amongst them, a few of their stares were blank. Liam continued explaining, "I first tried working it out a while ago, but the stuff on here's... strange. It doesn't look like regular code or anything." Liam explained. The second half of his sentence sounded distant, but could still be heard by the contestants.

"Well, that explains the silence." Subway Seat exchanged a nervous look with the rest of the group.

"I'm not sure where to go from here, but I promise I'll find a way to get you all out of there."

"Well, hold on." Moldy blurted. "You said Texty's with you, right? Why not get their help with this?"

There was some shuffling with the mic on the other end, then silence. Moldy scrunched her face, about to say something when the mic made noise again.

"Texty ran out of battery soon after Airy died... When I lost the sticky notes Stone gave me, I also lost the charger."

Without skipping a beat, Moldy asked, "But you know where it is, right?"


"Then you can still use it! You can charge Texty using that computer." Moldy explained, more urgency in her voice than there was before.

"That could work! It might take a bit, since the charger's... Nevermind. Still, I'll do what I can!"

Before any of them could ask for what he meant, he was gone. "Liam?" One of them asked, only to be met by silence.

"It's destroyed, isn't it?" Moldy grumbled. "Great."

"I guess it's back to waiting, huh?" Atom asked with a strained voice.

Scenty looked around. Morale had been low ever since a few days ago. Despite the news that Liam managed to find Airy, and now had control over the Plane, everyone still looked uncertain. They were all standing around, unsure of what to do.

"Alright then." Scenty stepped to the middle of the group, clapping her hands together, "Come on, guys! We're at the tail-end of this. We just have to hold on for a little longer!"

 We just have to hold on for a little longer!"

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