Chapter 9 - Meet in the Middle

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Two months later.

Months ago, Liam never imagined going to Wisconsin, especially with what had been happening during the past few months. Though, after a bit of back and forth between the three, it's where he and his friends decided to meet up.

While walking the street, he carried a folded laptop in one arm and a small piece of paper with the other. He looked up, checking his address matched with the store in front of him.

"Liam! Over here!" A voice suddenly called out. He looked over to a small table with four chairs. There, Amelia and Bryce were waving at him, one more subtly than the other.

As Liam approached the two, Bryce lightheartedly jabbed, "What took you so long?"

He sat down at the table with a huff, "I think I might've written down the wrong address. Texty had to help me out." He set Texty's computer on the table, opening them so they were facing the three of them.

"Hi, guys :)" They typed out on the screen.

"Hey, Texty." Bryce waved at them, and even though Scenty didn't know them too well, she waved at them too.

"I thought it'd take a few more months before we'd be able to meet up like this." Liam blurted. He was lucky to have Owen be generous enough to bring him out here just to see his friends. Otherwise, he likely would've tried hitchhiking his way here, much like when he went to Connecticut all those months ago.

"Well, I wouldn't have been able to fly here without the help of some friends." Amelia smiled while rubbing the back of her head. "I've only recently gotten my old job back, thanks to Garrett."

"Yeah, you two probably have it worse than me, being presumed dead, after all." Bryce paused, looking off to the side, "Before we catch up, should we get some food now that everyone's here?"

"Sounds like a good idea." On top of the trip wearing Liam out, he also hadn't had food since the night before, so he was first to the shop's door, his friends ambling behind.

A few minutes later, they'd gotten some bagel sandwiches and milkshakes, though it was slowly melting with how much they were talking instead of eating.

None of them were aware of how the others had been since returning to Earth. Sure, they all had gotten into contact with each other since what happened on the Plane, but none of them had really gotten the chance to explain how they've been since they got back. Amelia explained a few things, but refused to elaborate on much.

"So... nothing interesting really. Just went back to my normal life." Bryce shrugged, almost looking disappointed, "Though, it is nice to be back home knowing no one's stuck on that planet anymore. What about you, Amelia?"

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