island day 1.

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As Serena was knocked out cold from last night. That twister carried who knows how far.

Inuyasha was in the same boat as her. As he came to, he woke up on a beach, the waves under his body, his clothes soaked all the way down to the bone.

His hair dripping wet. He looked at the area and then realized and remembered what had happened.

He stood up and was glad that he was all right and nothing was broken. As he started shouting out for his friends. Kagome's name most of all.

But he could hear nothing but birds a few crickets and bugs in the grass but he could not locate his friends as he began to quietly move and search the island even though it was a very big island he didn't know if they all were here or not but he kept looking he refused to give up he kept shouting out their names looking out for his friends kept yelling anyone there anyone answers me

Again, all he could hear was silence beside the waves pushing against the sand and the rocks and birds chirping in the trees but the only son he wanted to hear was his friend's voice or any familiar voice they heard nothing but silence and that concerned him.

Inuyasha kept trying to find someone anyone, but still nothing. 

But then he finally stopped in his tracks as he looked over to the other side of the beach there was someone washed up on the beach and you recognized the person he quickly ran over to check and make sure she was even alive and he started to pull her out of the water as you slowly rolled her over and started checking for a Pulse or anything it didn't seem like she was breathing so he started to do CPR techniques like Miroku showed him once, so he started pushing on her chest trying to get the water out of her lungs as he breathed air into her lungs as he continues to do this for about 20 minutes until she finally spit up half the ocean's water out of her mouth and was able to breathe.

"Hey, can you hear me? Are you all, right? "Ask Inuyasha" concern. "Inuyasha...! Spoke Serena softly. He told her what happened or reminded her of what happened to them. And she was more awake now and breathing, she was able to stand up on her legs nothing was broken, she was okay, and he was able to revive her and get to her in time.

She turned around and then asked if he had any luck looking for the others or finding them, he replied no, I could not find anyone else, You were the only one I found so far, explained Inuyasha," Seriously. As Serena looks at him.

"They have to be out there. We all were out on the ocean. I mean, how far could they be? How much of the island have you searched? She asked.

Inuyasha explains half of the island, but he's barely seen much of it or if they were safe or not, which is why he was looking for everyone. He had just barely begun to locate any of the others, and this island was huge.

"We have to try to find them, says Serena" slowly trying to walk. But then she fell back down after she felt pain. "Ouch...! As she kept feeling pain in, he foot. "Inuyasha asked what was wrong? She said her foot it hurts. Inuyasha looked at her legs all the way down to her foot. She was cut up, and she must have either got cut up on the Corel reef rocks or no he found a sea urchin there was most likely poison in her body.

Inuyasha hated to deal with this, but he had to. He picked her up fast and got her out of the sun and brought her to a seaside cave. Inuyasha knew how to heal and get rid of the poison and neutralized it by peeing on it, plus he knew of a healing herb that would work, so he'd be able to treat it.

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